
spider crab

Can someone explain what the term refugium means? I've heard it refered to in recent lighting discussion, but wasn't exactly sure what was meant.


I refugium is simply a safe place for things to reproduce like macro algea or pods connected to your tank. A lot of people around use rubbermaid containers or old tanks. You can either put the refugium above your tank and pump water up to it then let gravity bring the water back to your tank or put it below your tank and use a pumps to pump water in and out of it.
There are many links are this board about them if you do a search a refugiums on this board you'll find a wealth of info.


Many people will call a sump a refugium when they provide lighting over it and grow various things in it. I have a refugium, that is lighted 24/7 to provide a stable Ph and to be a filter. I have it stocked with different types of macro algae. It allows "food" to grow in the tank without being disturbed by the fish. The algae absorb nitrates and other biological waste. :)