
reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by kpk
what do you do and is it for filtration or for growing stuff

Do a search for different designs.
Refugiums have a couple of uses.
I use mine for nitrate and phosphate elimination by way of macro algaes and a DSB as well as a breeding ground for mysis shrimp, snails, bristleworms and other beneficial pods and inverts.

nm reef

Active Member
A refugium can produce numerous positive benefits. Mine are set up to provide a safe haven for micro infauna(bugs/pods/worms/snails etc) to flourish. Diversity is a major plus for a stable reef system and I intentionally provide a safe place for micro infauna to prosper! Plus there is the benefit of additional water volume...the more water volume the easier it is to keep the water chemistry stable. I also grow macro algaes under 240 watts of NO flouresent lighting...they tend to consume excess nutrients other pest algaes need for survival. As the macro algaes grow I harvest and discard them which effectively removes the consumed excess nutrients from my system. The porcess helps to maintain control over pest algaes in my display.
A 20 gal refugium can be useful...but larger is better. I'd say that any size refugium can be a benefit if it is properly set up and functions as intended.:cool: