
cool clown

Hi I am in the process of setting up a 180 gallon tank but running low on cash. My question is can I set up a refugium in the stand where it will be used and not have it connected to a display tank? Would this be a good idea because I have the tank and a small light would not be that expencive (compared to the one I need for the 180). One more thing has any one ever heard of or used a Flora or Fauna Kits? They come with Mysis, Gammarus, Amphipods and Copepods plus micro algae. I came across these last night at Inland Aquatics. I checked if sold them and they don't. The kits cost about 90 dollars plus shipping. Are they worth it? Any comments or suggestions gladly welcome(good or bad) it seems the more I read the more confused I get.


Well-Known Member
I did that before I build the refugium. Basically i cultered my macros and marine plants in an old 20g long then each week or so transferred some to the display. At first the livestock eat most the macros but after a month there was enough build up I didn't have to add as much. I am now thinking of doing the same for live brine , gramarus and rotifers. I just need to know how to spell that stuff. :D macrors in my refugium grow fine under a 90 watt spot.
edit : not familiar with the flora or flaura kits.


Setting up the fuge first is no problem just make sure you get a PH or something in there for a little current since you won't have any flow at all since it's not connected to the main tank.
For the kits from inland I have also purchased them but only did the mysis/gamarus kit for $24.99. Better value as why pay so much for Macro when most LFS will sell you a bag for like $5. I have also purchased mini brittle stars from them and they have flourished in my tank and they are great detrivores.

cool clown

Thanks guys, do I just need a PH? I will have a small amount of live sand and rock in it also. My LFS does not sell Mysis, Gammarus, Amphipods and Copepods or macros. What do you suggest.


Well-Known Member
originally for my macro culture tank I had no circulation. It did fine for about 3 months and a baby molly grew to 1 1/2 inches in the tank with no added food from me.
I have since had some cloudiness and a bad batch of macro. I now run a power head with an attached circular filter on the intake. There does seem to be stronger macro growth with the circulation.
ps the cloudiness finally cleared up when I vastly reduced the lights LOL