

New Member
Hello Everybody! My first post yipee! what are your opinions on a refugium. It will be placed under a 60 gal tank. I have about decided to make my own and grow caulerpa for my yellow tang. also planning on a DSB and some LR. would like to make the Fuge out of an old 20g tall tank. any ideas as far as baffles and pumps are concerned?
BTW right now the tank is just a FOWLR but I would like to try some corals once I get this fish thing right.
Current inhabitants include:
Yellow Tang
Mated Pair of Clarkii Clowns
Lawnmower Blenny
Red Leg Hermit (one of the big ones, he's satanic, eaten five snails)
2 no wait. . . . 1 Turbo Snail
(I supposedly have a cleaner wrasse but I haven't seen him in two months, so he's history. Never buy those they always die.)


W.E.L.C.O.M.E. to the board.
I also grow caulerpa for my Tangs in the refugium. But now I have them hooked on ground spinach, so I'm working on planting other tanks with it.
I use a 4 foot long 33 gal for a refugium, but I'm sure I 'm not doing it right if going by other posts. I'm also switching everything to DSB. A 20h would be good too.
Watch out for the Red Leg Hermit . I had one that size at one time. Darn thing tried to eat a BahanaStar. Prob would go after corals, sponges, and everything it can get it's paws on.
A good cleaner to replace the lost Wrasse would be a Neon Goby.
Have fun & enjoy....



Originally posted by driver756
Hello Everybody! My first post yipee! ............
Red Leg Hermit (one of the big ones, he's satanic, eaten five snails)

Hi Driver!!!! Welcome!!! I'm pretty new the board anyways:silly:
Let me ask about your red legged hermit. Do you happen to have a pic? I bought five zebras the other day but got home with one red legged hermit. Maybe I should consider taking it back?


My fish man at the lfs told me that you should never have a power pump on a refugium, that it should be only overflow water poured into the tank. He said if you use a pump that it will kill some of the pods and stuff. Is this true?



Originally posted by SquishyFish
Ground spinach...Most ppl on here, including myself, will tell you that it is a bad idea to feed them anything they would not get in the wild. Spinach isnt as bad as, god forbid, ice berg lettus..but still not the best. Squishy

True, but if you were one of my Tangs, you would be very happy to get the variety of foods I feed.
Take a look at some of the flake foods...Protein is what matters as mush as the ingred. Spinach has many good benefits, Including cost. A bag of spinach costs about $1.79.... that quanity in processed frozen fish vegies would cost in the HUNDREDS of dollars at a Lfs. and thats 60-70% water
If you have read about the ick problem I am having, well I'll just say that the Y Tang is fully cured and back in with other fish. He was the first to get the spinach, and eating it the longest. The sailfin and Koran Angel (most recent additions from swf) are improving, but slowly.
Me and PopEye know whats good to eat. :rotfll:
Seen any garlic growing in the ocean lately? :thinking:
As hard as we all try, It's not possible to feed what the natural diet was before they ended up in our tanks.
Each to their own opinions.


I don't get mad, just try to reason. Many foods that
fish eat are not in the trade, or offered, nor do we
even know what they all are. Many of the algae that
some fish are fed, may not even be the kind that they have
grown up on. So they have no choice but to adapt to others.
As you said, one thing in one corner, and another in
the other corner. (use an algae) You may be feeding
the 2nd, 3rd, choice, or that species is only available
for a short time each year.
A certain type "feed all" marine food / algae
can infact hurt some sp. If nothing else is present
well...its in the must be good. No.
Another thought.... In the wild an animal knows what
to eat by instinct. The health condition of the animal
may determine this. We don't know what that certain food is
that they only may eat afew times a year is. Sort of like
a cat or dog eating grass every now and then. It doesn't mean
it's going to rain.., by instinct, they are using the chemical
compounds in the grass for some reason, most likely the thin
coating of MSM on the underside of the leaf that scientists
have recently discovered has great healing properties.
How would a person go about feeding an Ornate Butterfly
(Chaetodon ornatissimus). It is offered in the trade, but feeds
exclusively on coral polyps in the wild. Or maby the
Golden Butterfly (Chaetodon semilarvatus), same deal there,
along with some benthic inverts we dont even know.
Many, Many, Many species (in the wild) from tine to time
include soft corals in their diet, but we yell bloody murder
if they happen to nibble on ours.
I gess I didn't state that the Feather Caulerpa is present
in the tank at all times. I gess the fish did make their
choice after all. The spinach wins....along with fresh shrimp,
crab, clam, scallop, etc.
Now I'm not trying to act superior to you, but a can take your
posts and reason out points you make, so it sounds like you
are doing things wrong too...when in fact I don't have a full
understanding of what you are doing, as well you don't know
fully or understand what I'm doing.
The point is to learn, not point out possible flaws in the
few lines of text one happens to post.


Thanks Asbury030,
Tank Size: 12,55,10,30, all salt??
Sounds like you may be as crazy as me.:)
55,55,40,45,15,25,30,30,33 :D


Ya, 55's are nice. Except when you have to tare them down. One of my 55's got turned into an emergency hospital because ick took over. Now the pain of tearing it down.:nope:
I see your in Bradenton, I was through there on the way to Cape Coral many moons ago. If I remember right.... you are just north of Sarasota (if I spelled it right). Man, I'd loved it down there. Want to get down to the Keys someday too.
Minnesota is nice too.... If you are an Eskimo. :D


Isn't there a big long island called bradenton too? Have you ever caught anything out of the gulf for your tanks?


I gess you can just go out and collect all the plants/algae you need for your tanks. Grab afew rocks, inverts, maby a shark or two.
