

I need to know about refugiums? I have an idea of what they are and what they do. Can i put one under my tank? I guess i need to know what equipment i need for one. I have a 55g tank. I'll really appreciate anyones help...


try doing a search on them as there have been lot's of threads about them in the past. I currently have a 50 gal tank and put in a sump and refugium and it was pretty easy. I just used cheap 10 gal glass tanks from ***** for the sump and refugium. I used a life reef overflow to take water from the tank to the sump, where my skimmer and heater are now located. I use a maxijet 600 to pump water to the refugium sitting next to the sump in my stand (do to small stand doors I had to use 2 10 gal aquariums instead of one 20 gal aquarium as I would have preferred to use the 20 and just section off the refugium portion from the sump). And I use a simple siphon to return water to the sump. I use a mag 7 for the return pump to the tank and I made a spray bar out of PVC to evenly distribute the return water to the tank. Very easy project even for someone like me who is not a DIY person. Once the plumbing is done all you need is some sand for the refugium and some LR rubble, add some macro and a light (doesn't need to be powerful or fancy as your just growing macro) and your done. there are many different ways to do this so do a search and decide which way best fits your system and ultimate needs.