

New Member
I've read alot about them, but I just can't get the concept down. Will someone try to explain these for me? I know they are benificial and am thinking about setting one up.:confused:


Active Member
In my opinions refugiums have two main functions.
1. Safe haven for pods...
2. Nutrient extraction.
Most people put macro algae in the fuge because they do not want it in the display tank. The macro algae feed off of nitrates among other things... Usually the macro algae will be pruned often getting ride of the excess nutrients.
A DSB can also be put into the fuge for additional nitrate extraction.


I dont have one as my tank is till new, but plan on building my own one day. Do a search on them, you will get a lot of ideas about them.
So how goes it in PC. Was stationed at Ft Rucker, AL. and went to PC a lot. What a great place.


I see in one of the pictures posted there is a light on the rubermaid fuge. Does this need to be any specific type of light or can I go to the LFS and by a regular hood like that with an NO light?
I wouldn't mind constructing one like that with a rubermaid. What needs to be done to make it work? How does the water flow in and out? Also, is there a way I can get some of the algea out of my tank and into the fuge? Will this cut down on algea growth in the main tank?
Lastly, my tank is a 20L. Is there any benefit to me having a fuge in a nano?


I added my fuge after the tank was up and running, I didnt want to redo the plumbing. The fuge is ran by a powerhead and empties back into my sump. Very Simple, very cheap, and does a great job. The lighting is a strip light off an old aquarium, I have harvested the fuge 3 times in the last 2 months. Here is other pictures of the setup.


Bang Guy, that must be the 900g fuge. how and were to you keep that thing? what is it running (your display) looks cool.