Refuse to clean!


Active Member
I recently got an anthias and my cleaner shrimp just refuse to clean him. He even sits still on a rock to wait to be cleaned. Any ideas why?


That's a good question. My new cleaner is kinda the same way. He hides in the back of the tank. My Clark II clown goes up to him all the time and its like he's closed for business or something.
Anyone have any suggestions??


:happyfish My cleaner won't clean my yellow tang. He'll clean everyone else, but the cleaner is scared, because maybe the yellow tang is too big? I dono? Maybe you fish is too pushy? I dono. Same problem here.


Active Member
yeah, both shrimp cruse around the tank at nite. Fish usually find a spot to sleep. we will see though. What do u guys think of my new fish?:happyfish


New Member
my shrimp are dying to clean my clowns and would jump on them when they pass by but the clowns always swim quickly away... dragging the shrimps along for a little ride...


Nice anthias sandman. Someone asked for a suggestion, so heres mine. Asfar as size, most cleaners have been seen cleaning even large predatory fish like sharks, so I doubt thats the case. My first thought is that cleaners typically clean for a food source in the wild. Is it possible hes just gotten lazy from feedings and is eating on residual from standard feedings? My other thought was if the fish was CB, it is possible (although not likely) that the Instinct to clean has faded. This has happened with a variety of pets such as birds. "pet quality" (bred for generations for the sole purpose of being a pet) birds of some spiecies act nothing like there wild kin. Kind of a diluted version of divergent evolution. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
THanks for the input. I saw my cleaner clean him last nite or more today. He just layed down next to the cleaner in the sand and cleaned him! finally.


Xeno, I think you have a point. My neon goby that was wild caught, cleans the fish. The tank raised one does not, even though the it watches the wild caught one clean. Very interesting. Like clowns. My friends clowns, tank raised, showed no interest in coral or anemones. She traded for wild ones and they love their adopted soft coral just as mine do. However, the improper standards to which many fish we love are captrured makes ones hair stand on end and deters me from getting anything unless I know it was fairly and safely caught. Oh, also, my cleaner shrimp do clean but only when the tank has not been fed. When the food is easier to get they don't clean the fish.


ive gone threw 30 shrimp becuase every time my shrimp goes to clean my lion the lion eats him do you think that the shrimp bites him or somethin?


That's expensive food for your lionfish. Lucky you that you can afford such delicacies for your lionfish! I feel badly for the shrimp.


Yea I dont think size has anything to do with it( its the species of shrimp) my 1 inch cleaner shrimp can often be seen cleaning the wide open mouth of my 3 foot green moray or my 3 foot tessy and they love the shrimp. However there are sertain types of shrimp that clean serten fish, it is not all in one,( for instance some angel fish are acualy cleaner fish for some species of sharks) there is a great article on what goes with what in one of my marine books I will try to find it and post it for you..:cheer:


My cleaner (Mr. Clean) always wants to clean the fish but they rarely let him. I sometimes feel bad for the little guy, but it probably means my fish are healty.