regal and a humma


shark bait

Here is the deal. I know they mix, but at what size. I have a humma, and two mean as devil Blue dams. Active as hell and well. From my years in this have yet to do this. I plan on getting 4 Regal ( dorry) tangs. But they are all 1 inch, and my humma is pushing 2 1/4". I have tried to trap the dams, but as you can tell it dontwork....
so WHO has done this, I know they will hide but what good is that to the tank and the fish!! so let me know THANKS


Good luck catching them! I want to move my 2 damsels to a 10g. I think we're gonna have to take down all of the live rock to get them. We tried a few days ago with no luck. My 3 stripe damsel attacks anything put into the tank, but he seemed to know what the net was and stayed away from it! lol Let me know if you're successful!

shark bait

I have put in a small lion, and in time we will see what happens. Damn you dams. I can not move the rock as i have 150 lbs in a 100g, and it has setteled in to place in the tank. I could just get a large honey comb eel. Ant i mean. AHH i'd never do that. i DID TRY A FISH TRAP. IT NOT WORK...

shark bait

No issues in the past, and the small size is fine at this time. No ich in my 100g ever so that is good. But thanks for the heads up. I saw and awsome Koran juvi. I might trade, but also I am being given a blue tang, yellow tang and a coral beauty and a 9" niger, but they will be in a diffrent tank. I only have the maidens hair in the 100g


We have a lion. He could easily eat the blue dam, but never has. He used to watch him all of the time but has lost interest in him. Don't feed the lion very often if you want him to eat your damsels!

shark bait

Well, um If i was thinking that, it would work.
I think it would be a high price to pay for a feeder fish. But i doo need to stick to my fish size, and they tend to gang up on new fish when put in the tank. So we will see. :notsure:


umm I personally don't think you should keep four regals in a 100 gallon. You could keep one though. I also read that they are really fragile and even more sucseptible to ich than they already are when they are juvi's. I would probably look into getting a bigger one, around 3-6 inches.

shark bait

I decided to get a blond naso solo. The blue tangs all got ich at the store, all 1" in size but sets of 3 or 5 at that size are fine. The school and play in the rocks. When they get older it is when you need to keep one, so i went a diffrent route. They should nick name this the ICH tang.


i've found the quickest and easiest way to catch damsels is to trap them near their hidding place and give them no way out but the net. I had to do it in my tank and apperantly all my other fish helped they cornered him and forced him in the net. u could always buy a fish trap too.


Active Member
the only sure thing i have been able to do is take my algae scraper and a net and trap him near the glass towards the top............... damsels are quick lil

but it can be done, i had to catch all 5 (3 three stripe, 2 domino) thats how i did it but mine is 75 gal.