regal and yellow tang in harmony?


I would like to have a regal tang and a yellow tang in my FO tank. Has anyone had these live ok together or have any suggestions on which to add first? Who is more territorial, etc. It's a good size tank, but would like your input. Any suggestions would help...thanks! My tank and fish info is below.


anyone have opionions as to wich is more aggresive or territorial? anybody have one? How ab out ich problems? I've heard too many times that they easily get ich. my ammonia and trites are 0 trates are 10~15, sal: 1.023, pH:8.1
thanks again
Mine live together peacefully, they actually are buddys always swimming together.I would add the regal first they are more peaceful, and yes they get ich easy.


Keeping two tangs, with dis-similar body shapes, in a tank as big as yours should not be a problem as long as your water parameters are good. Looks like your ph is borderline low. You should try to bring it up to the 8.2 to 8.4 range. You also should be working at getting your nitrates down to 0......water changes can help.
I'll guess that your tank is relatively new? If so, I'd wait a few months before adding a tang. Tangs do require good water conditions so allowing your tank's water chemistry to stabilize can help prevent an ich outbreak.
Also, as Kip mentioned, you want to make sure you're feeding tangs a steady diet of greens. They require greens to stay healthy.