Regal Angel


New Member
Hi all,
I'm dead set on getting a regal angel. I am looking for any helpful info on successfully keeping one from those who know =)
I am very aware of how difficult these are to keep so please refrain from telling me that :D
Eating habits and preferences would be especially helpful as well as any "secrets to success" that anyone knows.


Active Member
Hi, I found this artical about Regal angelfish when I was looking for information on my majestic angelfish which I had to have. Hope this helps. It is a nice artical.
My only other advice is to have the fish eat at the store in front of you if possible. Of course you may have to order one of these rare fish on line. I love my new majestic angelfish. I have had him for a couple of weeks now and he is eating well and seems healthy. My first one died after about 5 weeks as he never really got to eat well. I think he may have been caught with cyanide. Good luck, Lesley


Active Member
MAke sure it is eating well before you purchase. Quarentine is a must. Make it the king of the tank. I would introduce first and let it settle in at least 2 weeks alone. A 125g tank w/b great. Feed sponge based food, mysis shrimp, nori and if you can get it to eay small pellets, spectrum new life is a good alternative. Another good tip is to keep it with robust and mature live rock. Could try pressing some sponge based food into the crevices of the live rock. Protein skimmer is a must since water conditions s/b prestine. Good luck.


Good luck to you.
I just lost a large emperor last night due to a shipping problem.
I thought about a reagal but...
Keep us updated.


Active Member
Hi, I thought that I might mention a food that everyone of my pygmy angelfish and my majestic angelfish like a lot. They are Bio-blend bottom feeder fish food by Marineland labs. They have a picture of a freshwater catfish on the bottle, but don't let that fool you into thinking that they are just for freshwater as their nutrition is universal. My crabs and blenny also go crazy over these. The thing that is nice about these is they are slowly softening, green waffers about the size of a dime. I take two of them and place them on a small rock with a rubberband. The angelfish all love them. They get soft, but do not pollute the water much as they do not completely dissolve. One can still remove any remaining pieces after letting them peck at them for a couple of hours without leaving much of the uneaten food in the tank. The fish like them because they can eat over a couple of hours like they do in nature, not over just a couple of minutes. Good luck finding a healthy Regal. Lesley


Active Member
My biggest suggestion would be to have live sponge in the tank when you introduce it. As far as quarantine... I do not know of one regal angel to survive in your "typical" small bare bottom quarantine tank with no live rock. So as bad as it sounds i actually recommend not quarantining the fish and understanding the risks that involves. Obviously, the tank needs to be at least 8 or 9 months old and have no other aggressive fish, along with plenty of hiding spots. If you have a LFS that will try and order one for you and get it eating, then you should start playing the lottery... and expect to pay top dollar for it. Good luck! :)