regal or yellow tang


Active Member
Hey guys I just wanted to know which one you would rather have. Would the regal do okay in an 84g that is 6foot long. Is it possible to have both of them if I buy them young and they grow up together?


I wouldn't suggest putting those two tangs together in that small of a tank. They would most likely become stressed and fight with each other. I have a yellow tang and wouldn't really want a regal tang because it is very prone to fin erosion, and, skin and lateral line disease.

sinner's girl

6ft? yep, imo either would be good, it's the length you want, not really gallons. as long as they have lots of room to swim
i don't know about adding both though...
what other fish are you planning on adding?


Active Member
I'm not really sure yet. I know a pair of percs and a royal gramma. After 6 months or so a flame angel. Any other cool fish that would go in my tank.


Active Member
bump any other opions. Has anyone sucefully kept a regal tang in this size tank?

aquarius 1

I currently have a regal in a 75 gallon which I've had for a little over a month now and he's doing great. My father also has had great success w/ keeping Regal/Hippo's in a 75 gallon tank.


New Member
I have successful kept a yellow tang and a hippo tang in a 55 gal tank. the two where purchased together when small (about the size of a quarter) and spent their first 4 weeks at my home in a 20 gal quarentine tank. They grew to be about 3-4 in and then developed ich when some LFS water got into the tank...this mistake that led to thier death...doesn't happen anymore...


New Member
I would definately lean towards the yellow. If you are not to keen on this than maybe consider a sailfin tang, they are beautiful fish and have one hell of a personality.