Regal Tang...normal?


New Member
Just wanted to know if this was normal. My regal tang has ich. I am aware that it is very common for them. I moved him to my QT to treat the ich. He is not a pretty blue in some places like his belly and around his mouth. He is white or almost transparent. Is this just from stress? He has been in there for about 3 hours. any thoughts?


Active Member
Ich is caused from stress. You should feed your tang some kind of garlic food to help cure him. Also, garlic will build the ammune system and help fight future infections.f
How long have you had the tang?


Staff member
Sick, stressed fish will result in fading and discoloration. How do you plan to treat him. Hyposalinity is the best treatment. Tangs do not fare well with copper treatment.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Schadiest1
Ich is caused from stress.
Actually, ich is caused by a parasite. Just as fleas on dogs is caused by a parasite. To get rid of it, you must treat it, or your fish will have ich until it dies.
Ich caused by stress is an old hobby myth that those of us that give disease advise are trying to dispell.


Active Member
Umm.. a fish that is stressed is more likely to get ich due to losing its slime coat/its protective chainmail suit.
Thank you.


what's your water quality, a lot of times if the water quality isn't great then they will discolor andstress out which makes their stress coat wear away making them suseptible to ich and other parasites.


Active Member
mine is going through the same thing, but it didnt show up until the next day, how did you acclimate him?? and did you pay attention to the source where you got him? that seems awefully early to get ich already. research and more research has told me that these lil guys will dispell it after on and off times for a month, how bad is the ich? is it covering his body all over? few spots etc.....i can see that beth knows what she is talking about, but im curious why all of the research ive done shows that regals especially get ich within the first month of the new tank because of acclimation to new surroundings... this is a bit confusing to me now....lil help here beth..
also check out this thread ladybug we were just discussing this:
cut and paste the link ladybug.....


Staff member
In a closed aquaria, if there is ich, then fish will get it. There is no escaping ich in a close fish tank. Ich is a parasite that is effective in feeding off of fish tissue, especially in a fish tank where a fish can not escape.
Does a stressed fish suffer more with ich? Yes. Does stress cause ich, no. Ich disease on fish is caused by the parasite attaching to a fish. Ich will attach to a fish whether the fish is stressed or not. A stressed fish just will feel the punch a lot harder.


Active Member
I am 100% sure there is ich in my reef right now. Although there are no signs of it.. the fish are happy/eating/healthy. If they were stressed im sure the ich would come out. Would it not?
Why are you so sure if you don't see it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Actually, ich is caused by a parasite. Just as fleas on dogs is caused by a parasite. To get rid of it, you must treat it, or your fish will have ich until it dies.
Ich caused by stress is an old hobby myth that those of us that give disease advise are trying to dispell.

Beth, how is a flea a parasite? Isn't a flea an insect?


Staff member
Originally Posted by hot883
Beth, how is a flea a parasite? Isn't a flea an insect?
Here is the defination of a parasite.
Biology. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.

Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary
Copyright © 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Staff member
Originally Posted by hot883
Not that I am challenging you Beth, just struck me as odd!

I don't mind being challenged. I am not all-knowing. Just have a short fuse for rudeness is all. Discussions are always welcome here. That is how people share knowledge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Here is the defination of a parasite.
Biology. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.

Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary
Copyright © 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Gotcha! That makes sense to me now. Thanks for not flaming me.


Staff member
Originally Posted by hot883
Gotcha! That makes sense to me now. Thanks for not flaming me.

Glad to help. And you are right, fleas are insects, and they are as well parasites. Ticks are parasites too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Glad to help. And you are right, fleas are insects, and they are as well parasites. Ticks are parasites too.
Like me the Newb.


Staff member
Nothing wrong with being a newbie....I was once way back when. We all were once and made plenty blunders too.


Active Member
Even if you have been doing this for several years.. you're gonna make a blunder or two.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Speg
Even if you have been doing this for several years.. you're gonna make a blunder or two.

Who me? NAW! LOL You're right, everyone does. The goal in this hobby is to try our best to keep your animals healthy and to keep learning, learning, learning. Studying and learning never stops, and never should stop.


Active Member
ok so if i dont have the option of hyposalinity because of a starfish and a coral banded, nor a QT (not cycled, new tank) what other options do i have??? the ick is in its 3rd day of showing on my regal, new fish(4 days old, 2-3 inches) its not severe yet, a handfull of spots on her, i hate to think that i have to get rid of my star and coral banded just to treat one fish, when the rest of the inhabitants dont have it, and havent had it ever!, and the first day she was in there, no what can i do? she is eating very well, even off the lettuce clip! her color is bright as all get out, and she swims and plays and sleeps well, i dunno how severe it is and what i can do...
:notsure: :notsure:

:jumping: <<i love that guy