Regal Tang problem


I've lost 2 of my 3 Regal Tangs to something that I don't know what it is. At first I thought that they were being picked on because they stayed hidden. They both died within a week of each other. Now the third one is acting strange. It looked fine then it seemed to dart about more frightened than usual. I noticed that it may have had ich. I tried to catch it a number of times but it was too fast. I finally caught it today. I put it in a QT tank but I don't know what to treat it for. It seems to have trouble swimming. If anything it's belly looks a little shrunken. The color is lighter than normal. It has been hiding for more than a week. I did see it eat. Any ideas? I've posted before about swim bladder but I have no idea if that is what I am dealing with. Please help, I would like to try and save him. Salinitly is 1.23.


I have had these tangs for almost two years. I bought three and lost one right away because it jumped out. I was very successful at keeping them with a purple and a yellow tang. When I bought these fish I did not have a QT tank. I buy all my fish from a guy who maintains aquariums for a living, not an LFS.
This fall our friend from Chicago wanted to get rid of his 120. We drove to Chicago from Mpls. one day and back the next with his setup. I had a 29 bow that I set up for the fish. I hooked up a pump from my sump to the 29. An overflow box brought the water back to the sump. I also ran a 350 magnum in it with carbon. His fish included:
Vlemengi Tang, Flame Angel, Damsel, 3 Perula Clowns, Regal Tang, PJ Cardinal, Flame Hawk, Coral Hawk, 2 Dotty Backs, Coral Banded Shrimp and a Spiney Urchin. I also added about 50 lbs of liverock and some misc. coral to my 125 tank. I was very careful to do water changes on a regular basis and do frequent water tests. I did not lose any fish from this trip and did not have any disease. I sold the Vlemengi and the Flame. When the 120 was cycled I moved most of the fish to the new tank. I added the Regal to the 125 with my other tangs. They all did fine for a couple of months.
That gives you a little background on my tanks.
I tested my water yesterday.
Salinity 1.024
pH 8.2
Alk 3.0
CA 370
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
phosphates 0
ammonia 0
As for feeding I feed flake (spirulina) and frozen food. I have a small variety of frozen and will feed some containing fish and others containing plants. I feed once a day. I also have DT's phytoplankton for corals.
I have a UV sterilizer but I shut it off on this tank. When I moved the fish out of the 29 I turned it into a refugium. I have grape caulerpa growing in it. I have not added anything to this tank if anything I have removed it. I had too many anemones. Now I am down to one rose and a very small bubble tip.
Did I miss anything? Temp stays around 80-82.


Staff member
What about the fish? When did this problem start? Has it improved since you moved them to QT? Are they eating?
Also, I'd improve that tang diet. Do these fish have all day grazing opportunities?
Can you get any pics of them up?


Two of the three regals died in the past couple of weeks. By the time I got them out of my tank they looked pretty sick. This one is a fighter but it does not stay out long enough to get a good pic. Even trying to look at it to describe symptoms is difficult. What should I be adding to their diet?


Staff member
Try seaweed selects, vegetarian foods. Offer a variety of vitimin enriched foods. Zoecon is a good supplement for tangs.
Is he in a QT now and eating or not? Notice any surface skin erosion on the tang? Do you have a grounding probe on your tank? Can you get a pic up or not?


He has been in the QT tank for almost 2 days. I will try and get a pic. I have not seen him eat. He has a spot on his belly. When I moved him to the QT he hid under the heater. I am wondering if that caused the spot. I did not see it before.


Staff member
He looks like he's in pretty good condition. I would suggest offerring him an improved diet and maintaining optimum water conditions. Add a grounding probe to any system that has tangs or angels.
You could perform hypo on this fish while he is in QT. Do you have hiding places for him besides the heater??? The fish could get burned by the heater if it is lying up against it.


Sorry I don't know what a grounding probe is. I read your article about QT tanks a while back and I put pieces of PVC. He still likes the heater. I raised the heater so he will try and find another spot. I also put in some fake plants that I will use only for this tank. I have also been lowering the salinity. How low should I go. Someone told me no lower that 1.010