Regal Tang problems


New Member
A friend who is moving gave me two regal tangs and a yellow tailed blue damsel.
The regals are in pityful shape, their color is faded their fins are gone and their tails are ripped to almost nothing. I out them in a holding tank to day, they are pretty stressed does anyone knoe what could possibly be wrong with them and if they will be able to return to normal?


yes they will. put some stress coat in the water, then put some tablets that heal bacterial fin rot(for SW, not FW)
BTW, does your friend take good care of these fish?


New Member
I'm not sure how he treated them, when I went to pick them up the tank they were in was covered in algae. They have perked up a bit, they no longer seem so stressed and are eating. Is bacterial fin rot contagious?


Staff member
Lets keep an eye on the situation and see if the fins start regeneraating. It sounds to me that the environmental conditions were quite pitiful. Hopefully your friend won't be setting up any more tanks soon. Tangs are extremely sensitive to the least bit of irregularity in tank conditions.
What are you feeding these fish? Get Zoecon and start soaking their food with it. Also, you could perform hyposalinity, if for no other reason but to relieve stress. Also, add a stress coat to the water. What are the conditions you have in the QT? If you can, get a grounding probe.
Can you get a pic up?


New Member
I'm not sure what he fed them, I am rotating flack food in the morning and A mixed marine frozen food which contains krill, brine and "other" seafood. they seem to like it but the little guys look awful. I had to drop them in my 55 gal because the numbers in my QT fluctulated too much... Can I add a supplement or med that want harm my live rock? i saw a med in ***** today that was 100% natural melealuca...