regal angels are gorgeous and what would the tank requirments be for one? thx
rubberduck Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #1 regal angels are gorgeous and what would the tank requirments be for one? thx
rubberduck Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #2 is ther any habits that could hurt my reef tank? i have seen one in a reef before. cool thx again
robchuck Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #3 Regal Angels are notoriously difficult to get to feed in captivity, they're almost as difficult as Moorish Idols.
Regal Angels are notoriously difficult to get to feed in captivity, they're almost as difficult as Moorish Idols.
rubberduck Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #4 they are? cause i found a good one at the local fish store that was doing GOOD
yellowtail Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #6 read brookly jognny's thread about them. they will mow down zoo's. a nice snack
avbryce1 Member Feb 4, 2005 #8 the only two people on this board, I know of that have one are brooklyn johnny and steve weast that should tell you somthing about the difficulty of regal angels
the only two people on this board, I know of that have one are brooklyn johnny and steve weast that should tell you somthing about the difficulty of regal angels
rubberduck Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #9 my local fish store has one that eats like a pig. should i get it
robchuck Active Member Feb 4, 2005 #11 I would pass, especially if it were to be destined for the 29g in your signature.