? Regarding purple coralline on LR


New Member
First of all I've been reading the forum about two weeks and there's no
question it is a great source for True info.
Back to my ? I have a 45 gal. with about 70 lbs. of fiji and lots of purple
coralline. I have 1 40 watt blue actinic and 1 40watt 10,000k bulbs.
All the coralline on the rocks is getting tiny white dots actually looks like dust.
However it can't be removed. Can anyone tell what this is? How to get rid of


Sounds like die off, which usually happens in the new tank stages....you get some die off and than you get algae growth again, some people regain the coraline and some dont for days/weeks/months etc...eventually if your tank is well maintained it will come back....Also may be from your lighting, depending on what your looking into for your tank, fish only or full blown reef more lighting can help with the process, although some people say less lighting in the blue/acntic spectrum helps coraline grow it all may depend on the amount of trace elements needed for the coraline provided in your tank...

For myself and my 65g coraline is taking forever to re surface after taking the tank over from a friend who had it all over the place (on the same tank)...I see small areas here and there but on my old 30g it went crazy on the rocks.... :thinking:


New Member
Thanks for the reply! My tank has been up for 6+ weeks. I have 1 40 watt blue actinc &
1 10,000k 40 watt. Would that be sufficent? I purchased about 50lbs last week from the LFS it was nice and purple all over. There are also some areas where it is getting white looks like calcium but I'm not shure that's possible. I also add 11ml of B-Ionic #1 & #2.
hope this info helps.


The lighting should be sufficient enough, but again you are right on that boarderline with mim light esp for anything else...the white is def die off of the exsisting coraline, but with those rocks near any rocks that dont have coraline it will help seed new rocks for additional coraline eventually if it all doesnt fade away, as for the 2 parts supplement i have heard nothing but good things about it even though i dont use it, i use oceanic salt which is already high in calcium and from time to time i dose with purple up which is a coraline accelerator, and of course essential elements to replace what is takin out by the carbon i aslo run...just make sure when using the supplements you are keeping tabs on your water chemistry and not over doing it....
Hope that helps....