Regular sand ?


New Member
Just wanted to know if i could add just plain sand to my established tank? Has been set up for two years already has live sand and cc mixed. I don't have enough substrate so want to add more. thanks.


Originally Posted by banner1
Just wanted to know if i could add just plain sand to my established tank? Has been set up for two years already has live sand and cc mixed. I don't have enough substrate so want to add more. thanks.
Any reason you couldn't just add live sand? It's not really that expensive considering expenses of other things this hobby entails. But to answer your question, as long as there aren't any harmful chemicals/minerals in the sand that would cause a problem in your tank, I don't see why not.


Active Member
what do you mean "regular sand"? A calcium carbonate based sand is the only one I would recommend adding.


Active Member
You could, but in most cases the effort in finding sand that is going to be guaranteed pure enough to be used in a tank is going to outweigh the cost of just getting aragonite.
If you just take a craps shoot and throw sand in there... who knows what you are putting into that tank... heavy metals, pollution, etc, etc, etc.