Relaxing tonight, enjoying the finer things


Active Member
Finally getting a night to just take it easy. I'm sitting out back by the pool (It about 70 here in Florida) on the laptop and wireless network enjoying a nice Crown and Coke and smoking a genuine Cuban Cohiba Esplendido. It does not get much better than this. Well maybe a nice supermodel sitting beside me but if she complained about my cigar, she'd have to go. :yes:


Yeah, I offered some frags to a friend and she shows up with a 12 pack of Yuengling as a swap. The hubby is in New Zealand so I have the house, the computer, and the remote all to myself. Kids are in bed and I am enjoying the finer things with you Tangman. My finer things are on a much smaller scale, but none-the-less...


Active Member
i've my 2 computers, 1 screen on emeril, 1 on partypoker. some weak sweet tea and some vodka. all that distraction and yet i'm still all over my tank next to my desk.
i'm a lonely retard tonight.
edit: sorry, 2 comps, 3 screens.


New Member
Well, as for me, I just got finished watching Gray's Anatomy... it is becoming my new fave show. I am just enjoying a weekend off. Here in Southeastern La. we have the French Quarter Festival and the Strawberry Festival this weekend. I am not attending either. You grow up down here and Mardi Gras will send you into Drunk-Festival-Go'ers overkill.
Hope everyone has a great night!


Active Member

Originally posted by TangMan99
Finally getting a night to just take it easy. I'm sitting out back by the pool (It about 70 here in Florida) on the laptop and wireless network enjoying a nice Crown and Coke and smoking a genuine Cuban Cohiba Esplendido. It does not get much better than this.

That sounds very excellent. I have to say, though, the only way to make it better would be to have Courvoisier XO Imperiale in a snifter with the Cohiba.


Active Member

Originally posted by schneidts
That sounds very excellent. I have to say, though, the only way to make it better would be to have Courvoisier XO Imperiale in a snifter with the Cohiba.

Now that's something I've never tried. Isn't that what the Ladies Man was always drinking on Saturday Night Live?


Active Member
Now that sounds like heaven. Courtesy of work, I'm on the road for the next 12 weeks starting here soon (at least I'll get to see some new aquariums), so I'll miss all the nice spring weather and 3 months of baseball season tickets:mad: .
But when I get back, it's a La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero, some Jefferson Reserve Single Barrel bourbon, and taking in a Nationals game on the tube.



Originally posted by TangMan99
and smoking a genuine Cuban Cohiba Esplendido.

24 hours later I think I smell that cigar here in Michigan.

Could just be Dow though. :notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by TangMan99
Now that's something I've never tried. Isn't that what the Ladies Man was always drinking on Saturday Night Live?

I don't know. If it was, he had some damn good taste. That was a funny sketch.