Remodified aggressive tank


New Member
by the way before i go on any further this is the new and improved puffer24/7, i would like to restate that i have changed my ways, so lets get to the good stuff, i am pleased to say that my panther is no longer with me and has found a much better home than i could offer him, so the real fish list that i have now in my tank are
blue face
naso tang
yellow belly puffer
and soon to be niger trigger(in a few more days)
and i was looking for some honest opinions to what i could put in there now that the panther has found his new home(i decided not to get a small panther bc of the size they get to) i also will be posting some new pics later tonight without the panther in there. to be honest i kinda miss him
. so if anyone has any opinions on what i should put in there now that he has gone, i also have some good news, i might be switching over to ls, but it is not certain yet. here are some pics of my little niger, i have named him midnight.



Nice trigger!How big is he?Do you have any full tank pics?Or has it changed since you last posted them besides the grouper.


New Member
Originally Posted by surfer11
Nice trigger!How big is he?Do you have any full tank pics?Or has it changed since you last posted them besides the grouper.
i dont fully understand what you mean but i will have some full tank pics up pretty soon, i think you were talking about the trigger right? bc the grouper is gone


New Member
he has found his new home and no it is not in fish heaven,lol, i was actually telling the truth that he would be leaving me but the fact is i did not know when he would be leaving me, so dont worry the panther is not dead if thats what you are thinking