Remora AquaC and Maxi Jet 1200


I purchased a Rmora Hang on Skimmer (AcqaC) and Maxi Jet per head. I have a few questions.
1. I have to hook up the power head to the Skimmer via a 1" supplied tube.
a. can the power head be underwater as the power cord will also be underwater?
b. the only way to hook up the power head via the 1" supplied tubing is to turn it sideways, should i buy more tubing?
c. is there any directions online for this? I have found none.
d. as far as the tubing, i have read some disater stories, what is there to us to ensure the tubing will not come off?


Originally Posted by erenninger
I purchased a Rmora Hang on Skimmer (AcqaC) and Maxi Jet per head. I have a few questions.
1. I have to hook up the power head to the Skimmer via a 1" supplied tube.
a. can the power head be underwater as the power cord will also be underwater?
b. the only way to hook up the power head via the 1" supplied tubing is to turn it sideways, should i buy more tubing?
c. is there any directions online for this? I have found none.
d. as far as the tubing, i have read some disater stories, what is there to us to ensure the tubing will not come off?
I have the Remora Pro with the Mag3 Pump, and didn't like the looks of the big black pump sitting right there where it was very "obvious"...I added about 8" length of 3/4" ID (Inner Diameter) Clear Poly Tubing in place of the 1" piece and I think looks nicer hidden behind my LR. The Clip did come off once so far, and the Mag3 fell off the bottom of the tube, but luckily someone was home to pull the plug before things got "messy"...
Here are before and after pics... I have redone my LR 2 or 3 times since either of those pics were taken...



a. yes, the powerhead and cord are underwater
b. no, you don't need more tubing. It is mounted sideways with the intake facing the side and the output facing up to the skimmer
c. I don't know off hand. You can try Aqua C's website. They do have some info there I don't know if its what you need. You can email them and Christine will ususally get back to you within the day.
d. Make sure you use a pair of pliers to crimp the plastic hose clamps a notch or two tighter than you can with your fingers to help ensure the hose doesn't slip off. Also, you can tie wrap or fasten the electric cord to something behind the tank so that if the powerhead falls it won't fall all the way to the bottom of the tank and create a sandstorm. You can also use titanium hose clamps instead of the plastic ones. They are hard to find locally but you can do a search online and order them.


Thank you for your help,
I got it up and running:
couple of more questions
1 is this going to buble over the top? I understand I have the drain hole and I can hook up some more tubing and run it to a drain cup or something.
2. how long does this need to run to start working? Is there anything I need to keep an eye on or adjust?
3. Does it quite down after time?
Thank you,


Originally Posted by erenninger
Thank you for your help,
I got it up and running:
couple of more questions
1 is this going to buble over the top? I understand I have the drain hole and I can hook up some more tubing and run it to a drain cup or something.
2. how long does this need to run to start working? Is there anything I need to keep an eye on or adjust?
3. Does it quite down after time?
Thank you,
1. i have the same exact thing i clean mine everyday because it takes only a min. so i've never had it overflow.
2. the only adjustment really is the O ring around the cup and you can raise it or lower it. i just have mine all the way down and it collects a lot of crap.
3. Mine was always quiet from the get-go but it's called the break in period it'll quiet down in a week or 2