

For all of you who have had or has one of these fish. Are they all as greedy as mine? It will not stop eating. It eats until it's stomach is FULL. It's a good fish, but damn it's always hungry. How big do they get?


Active Member
I've caught them fishing for snapper and grouper up to 30...I bet they get larger. They don't stop eating. A cool fish, but not for the regular home aquarium. Bo


Yes they do get big as has already been said. I was searching through some old threads the other day and I remembe Lionfish(an old shark here) saying he had one that got 40inches.


Yeah, I read an older post from a guy named "Splash***" and he said that he had one that was too aggressive when it came to feeding. He's really a cool fish. I bought it because I was told that he would help keep my shark clean of parasites, but he has not attached himself to my shark once. He runs from it. I see myself finding him a new home soon.


Active Member
ahhh, thanks for the correction....
i saw one that almost looked identicle to that guy in the LFS today... r squirrel fishes in some relation to them or something??? Do squirrel fishes even look remotely like them??? lol, won't be the first or fiftyieth time my LFS told me wrong even when i wasn't buying nething...


They actually look just alike. My soldier has a deeper red color than the Squirrel. Who knows, they may be related.


Where is your remoras stomach? on the glass or the other side??? :D I think remoras clean something big like, white tip, manta ray, whale shark... what kind of shark do u have?