Removal Of Tank Cross Brace


your right width of them does mean alot and I'm thinking hoping he's puttin them as close to the middle as possible
and the stock brace isn't flat it's concaved so that makes it very strong. so you would need to make it thicker then it was originally to attempt to make it as strong


Whose sticking acrylic to glass? You are using a piece of clear acrylic to attach a new brace to part of the existing. Don't tell me it doesn't work when I have my tank modified downstairs.


Originally Posted by DB
Whose sticking acrylic to glass? You are using a piece of clear acrylic to attach a new brace to part of the existing. Don't tell me it doesn't work when I have my tank modified downstairs.
I do too I'm not sayin that!


Active Member
JMO, I mean no offense but you're making this a lot harder than it has to be. 2 pcs of 1/2"-3"W glass evenly spaced arcoss the tank and siliconed to the front and back will with out a doubt be as strong if not stronger then attaching or moding anything on that trim pc.
You are simply drilling screwing gluing etc for no reason. Glass on glass will hold and hold strong.
Beside all that the glass will be much easier to clean and will not scratch.
Ever try and take a glass tank apart? Its not that easy.
If you want to use acrylic why not just make a box so it would just fit over the trim and cut the access holes in the top and sili it down
again no offense