Remove CC Replace w/ LS


I have a 30 gallon tank with crushed coral (CC). I want to remove the CC, but I don't want to do any harm to my tank. Would it be better if I just put live sand (LS) on top of the CC. If so, can I do this with my fish still in the tank??


Active Member
What i did was take out all my CC one day and put in the Live sand the next. Theres all different ways to do it, like slowly add the sand over a 1 to 2 week period and things like that. But i didnt loose a single thing when i did mine and my CC was about 6 months old at the time. goodluck however you do it. I think you will be happy with the results,


Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy
What i did was take out all my CC one day and put in the Live sand the next. Theres all different ways to do it, like slowly add the sand over a 1 to 2 week period and things like that. But i didnt loose a single thing when i did mine and my CC was about 6 months old at the time. goodluck however you do it. I think you will be happy with the results,
How did you take out your CC? and How did you put in your LS? Was your water still in there and fish too?


Active Member
I just scooped it out with my fish net , slowly. left everything in the tank.some people take out there fish but i really couldnt because i had no where to keep them. then i just put the sand in with a big plastic cup . i would filll it up with sand and put it in the water and dump it right on the bottom of the tank. It will be a mess for about 24 hrs. you can turn off your pumps for a few hrs , that will help some. but dont leave them off too long. goodluck


I made the conversion about a month ago on a 35 gallon tank. I did it differently than Blemmy, but I didn't lose a single fish, invert or coral either. Since your tank, like mine, is small, it is easy to do all at one time. My only concern with Blemmy's solution, when I did mine, was that I was afraid of getting a mini-cycle when I removed my CC from my tank. Here is how I did mine...
- I bought 2 30 gallon rubbermaid containers
- I emptied 1/4 of my tank water into one container
- I then removed all of my LR and put it in that container
- I emptied 1/4 of my tank water into the 2nd container
- I then caught all of my fish and inverts and put them into the 2nd container
- I then unhooked my equipment and put a PH and heater into the 2nd container
- I emptied the rest of my water, splitting it between the two containers, down to just above the CC substrate.
- I then removed all of my CC and cleaned out my tank
- I added my LS
- Since my tank is a hex, I took a large serving plate and laid it on the LS
- I slowly poured about 1/4 of my tank water back into the tank
- I then rebuilt my aquascaping with my LR
- I then put the rest of my water from my first container back into the tank.
- I unhooked my equipment that was running in the 2nd container and put it back in the tank
- I added half of the water from my 2nd container back to the tank
- I caught and put my livestock back into my tank
- I added the rest of the water from the 2nd container
- I turned on all my equipment
It worked like a champ!
Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by gmusick
I made the conversion about a month ago on a 35 gallon tank. I did it differently than Blemmy, but I didn't lose a single fish, invert or coral either. Since your tank, like mine, is small, it is easy to do all at one time. My only concern with Blemmy's solution, when I did mine, was that I was afraid of getting a mini-cycle when I removed my CC from my tank. Here is how I did mine...
- I bought 2 30 gallon rubbermaid containers
- I emptied 1/4 of my tank water into one container
- I then removed all of my LR and put it in that container
- I emptied 1/4 of my tank water into the 2nd container
- I then caught all of my fish and inverts and put them into the 2nd container
- I then unhooked my equipment and put a PH and heater into the 2nd container
- I emptied the rest of my water, splitting it between the two containers, down to just above the CC substrate.
- I then removed all of my CC and cleaned out my tank
- I added my LS
- Since my tank is a hex, I took a large serving plate and laid it on the LS
- I slowly poured about 1/4 of my tank water back into the tank
- I then rebuilt my aquascaping with my LR
- I then put the rest of my water from my first container back into the tank.
- I unhooked my equipment that was running in the 2nd container and put it back in the tank
- I added half of the water from my 2nd container back to the tank
- I caught and put my livestock back into my tank
- I added the rest of the water from the 2nd container
- I turned on all my equipment
It worked like a champ!
Hope this helps!
I have a couple of Q's?........
You removed all your CC with what tool?
Simply shoveled it out?
I heard if you remove all your CC you'll lose some important bacteria that was once in the CC, is this true?
Did you seed your LS?
My 30 gal tank is rectangular with
50 lbs of live rock
2 maroon clowns
1 dwarf fuxxy lionfish
2 damsels
1 cardinalfish
1 cleanershrimp
1 flame scallop


Active Member
LS is just that...Live. You don't have to seed it. As for the bacteria, LS has bacteria in it. It will begin growing as soon as you start your tank back up.


Originally Posted by airforceb2
LS is just that...Live. You don't have to seed it. As for the bacteria, LS has bacteria in it. It will begin growing as soon as you start your tank back up.
what kind of live sand do y'all have??


Do you want a deep sand bed or just a thin layer? For a thin layer, on your size tank, I would do about 1 lb per gallon. If you want a deep sand bed, then I would do about 3 lbs per gallon. I would also only do about half Live Sand and half the cheaper aragonite sand. Lay the plain aragonite down first, then lay the Live Sand over the top.


Originally Posted by gmusick
Do you want a deep sand bed or just a thin layer? For a thin layer, on your size tank, I would do about 1 lb per gallon. If you want a deep sand bed, then I would do about 3 lbs per gallon. I would also only do about half Live Sand and half the cheaper aragonite sand. Lay the plain aragonite down first, then lay the Live Sand over the top.
I have a couple of Q's?........
You removed all your CC with what tool?
Simply shoveled it out?
I heard if you remove all your CC you'll lose some important bacteria that was once in the CC, is this true?
Did you seed your LS?
also......i heard over time aragonite turns into "cement"??
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Can you mix CC with LS?? And if you already have CC in your tank and then add the LS, does your cycling start all over again?


No, your cycle doesn't start all over again. You can lay the LS over the CC, but over time, your CC rises back to the top and the sand falls to the bottom, and you are back to square 1.


Yes, you can mix them, but as I said, over time, the CC will rise back to the top as the sand filters down between the cracks of the CC.


okay guys...i bought 40 lbs of ARAG-ALIVE and im moving to a new place tomorrow so bout to convert from CC to LS...wish me luck...thanks for the advice GMUSICK :happyfish