remove damsels



i was wondering if anybody has some good ideas on how to get damsels out of tank....i would prefer not to remove all rock work and such....they are just getting on my nerves and all the other fish....please help so i can take these idoits out of my tank....thank you.... :joy:


Active Member
You can try making a fish trap using a 2liter bottle. Cut off the top and invert it and then reattach it. Place some food in side and stick it in your tank. The fish will swim in, but cant get out. Check out this thread for a picture. Good Luck to you!!


if you have an unwanted lamp, remove the wire from the base and strip both wires (while it is unplugged). Then plug the wire back into the socket and put both ends into the water. If done right, your damsels should float to the top of the tank in a few minutes, and if not, they'll be easy to catch.
This may also work for other species, too.
(p.s. don't really do this).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bugapash
if you have an unwanted lamp, remove the wire from the base and strip both wires (while it is unplugged). Then plug the wire back into the socket and put both ends into the water. If done right, your damsels should float to the top of the tank in a few minutes, and if not, they'll be easy to catch.
This may also work for other species, too.
(p.s. don't really do this).
That is the funniest ever!!


Originally Posted by Bugapash
if you have an unwanted lamp, remove the wire from the base and strip both wires (while it is unplugged). Then plug the wire back into the socket and put both ends into the water. If done right, your damsels should float to the top of the tank in a few minutes, and if not, they'll be easy to catch.
This may also work for other species, too.
(p.s. don't really do this).


Active Member
This method has worked in the past but your results may very. Go to your local fireworks stay and purchase 1 M80. Ignite it and put it in the tank and run. After a few seconds, and once the water settles, gently pick up your damsel and put him in his place of final resting.
Seriously, when I had to get my 3 stripe out I had a hell of a time. I tried traps and what not. Ended up chasing him and moving rock for about 3 hours before he finally gave up. And I think he just got over stressed and passed out, he didn't survive the trip back to the fish store. I feel for you becaue my lfs told me to put him in there to cycle tank and it was the worst thing I could do but, I didn't know any better back then.


I know what you mean, I put a Three Stripe in with my supposedly mean puffer. Guess who gets picked on, yep, poor ol puffer.