Remove mushrooms from rocks?


I have a few hairy mushrooms attached to the same rock, and would like to detach some if possible so they can attach to other rocks in the tank. how can I safely remove them from the rock they are on?
I also have some small Ricordias I would also like to remove, can this be done? How?


just get something like a flattend nail. I used my girlfriends hair clip thingie. flat , long, and flexable. Just carefully slide it under the shrooms or ricordea and detach it. If you slip and you rip part of the foot off you might grow a new one but i dont know. If superglue doesnt hold use rubber bands or mesh so they dont take off in the niddle of the night

tahoe ocean

The way I take my shrooms off to grow them and put them in other places is:
1. get a very sharp pair of scissors
2. get a small container (gladware works well)
3. get some coral rubble or small rocks (empty hermit shells also work)
4. place rubble in container with water from tank
5. CAREFULLY snip off the head of the mushroom with the scissors(a new one will grow from the foot: probably)
6. drop the head into the container
7. place the container in a corner of the tank
8. Wait
9. In about 1 week, the head should have attached well to peices of rubble (or the rock or shell) and you can use super glue on the rubble to stick it where you want it.
Some of mine attached within a couple days, others took the entire week. I've also found that in gluing them, it works best if you get glue only on the rubble. My shrooms tended to scootch off the glue if it got on them.
Good luck!

tahoe ocean

Maybe, if you're VERY patient. A few of the big ones in the photo above started to bump into each other and so they detached themselves and sailed to the sand. I found them and let them settle in rubble and then put them into new places. But I'm not always that patient, I chop them and either trade them or stick them in new spots.
I have been putting them on empty hermit shells too and once I saw a little blue leg in the shell carting around the shroom. But I don't think the shroom was too happy, he scrunched up and the next day he was on the floor of the tank. I don't know if he detached or if the hermit took him off. He's since recovered and is on a new rock.
Shrooms are my favorites. :D


Do you cut at the top of the foot where the head connects? or just cut anywhere on the foot?