The way I take my shrooms off to grow them and put them in other places is:
1. get a very sharp pair of scissors
2. get a small container (gladware works well)
3. get some coral rubble or small rocks (empty hermit shells also work)
4. place rubble in container with water from tank
5. CAREFULLY snip off the head of the mushroom with the scissors(a new one will grow from the foot: probably)
6. drop the head into the container
7. place the container in a corner of the tank
8. Wait
9. In about 1 week, the head should have attached well to peices of rubble (or the rock or shell) and you can use super glue on the rubble to stick it where you want it.
Some of mine attached within a couple days, others took the entire week. I've also found that in gluing them, it works best if you get glue only on the rubble. My shrooms tended to scootch off the glue if it got on them.
Good luck!