Removing Bioballs and Adding Refugium


So next month i will be moving my Biocube 29 and since im breaking the tank down for the move, i wanted to replace the 2nd chamber (bioballs) with a DIY Refugium. I have the housing and LED light i made for it and was wondering if there is anything i should do to make it as quick and painless as possible for everyone involved. I plan on keeping some of the bioballs in back for now so i dont shock my system, but will eventually remove them. Any other tips?


Active Member
Do you have live rock in the tank? If so you may be fine removing all the bioballs at once since your live rock will provide plenty of biological filtration. Let someone else back me up on this one before you do it though.


I have 20lbs of live sand and about 30-40lbs of live rock. The tank has been running for close to 3 years now.