Removing Bioballs


I have a 14 gallon Biocube and am in the process of installing the sapphire skimmer in the middle back chamber. I removed half the balls today and will wait two days to remove the rest with a water change in between. I am afraid of spikes. Is half at a time alright you think? Maybe an additional water change after I remove the rest? There is enough room left over then to put a little live rock rubble in that chamber also. Ugh! should have never used the bioballs! Next up, the lighting upgrade. Oh, by the way, tank is VERY healthy and been set up for about 8-9 months. I count about 24-28 balls in there along with baby snails!

I removed all of mine at once from a 24g AP and never saw any spike...but I have about 80lbs of rock in the tank


Bioballs are much like crushed coral in the spectrum of biofiltration. They have surface area for the bacteria needed for the beggining of the cycle, but the end product is a ton of nitrates that can't be gotten rid of. If you have 25lbs of rock in a 14 gallon tank then you should be alright. I would continue with the half and half method though. Try to disturb the bioballs as little as possible.


Originally Posted by codyjp
you can get 80 lbs of rock to fit in a 24gal aquapod? they must be stacked like bricks!
I agree on that! It must be packed tight.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I was having flashbacks to my childhood of playing the game Operation as I CAREFULLY removed the balls with the hot dog tongs! "Remove left femur".


Active Member
well im just glad it can be done! i just ordered 30 lbs of live rock for my 29, and i already have about 20 lbs...