Removing carpet from under tank... need help



Don't break it down completely just remove half or 3/4's of the water and try it. The basement has already flooded right. I would have to get that carpet out from under there. That's just my .02. I moved my 150 with 200lbs. of sand and 300lbs of rock and it is doing just fine. It is all glass also. I moved my stingray tank with 185lbs of sand also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scotty37
Hey guys... been away from here for a while. I have a 120 gallon tank on a 4 foot tall base in my basement. 150 lbs of rock epoxied together, 120 lbs of live sand base. Drilled tank with a 25 gallon refugium.... this weekend my basement flooded from the outside in because of faulty work done.... and all my carpet has to be torn up......
today they came in and cut out the burbur (sp) carpeting from around the tank... when they did this, they cut some out from under the edges of the wood frame.... so now i can actually stick my fingers under the base in a few places, and I dont feel comfortable with that whatsoever.... I now feel that I have to get this carpeting out from under the base and get the tank on the concrete.... Im hoping someone on here can offer a suggestion that doesnt require breaking up all the rockwork and removing it... we could barely lift the tank when it was empty.
Any and all help very much appreciated as always.

Originally Posted by T316
You are right...It's possible, but with sheetrock, you can patch it up at the new location. With glass, there ain't no second chance.

Originally Posted by sepulatian

How do they move the tank even 1/4 inch without all of the water preasure being a factor? You cannot move a small tank a few inches without doing damage to the seals.

Where does it say that the OP was trying to move it with water???????????


Curve is right. That carpet gota go. I think the airbags will work IF you empty most of the water though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Where does it say that the OP was trying to move it with water???????????
I think we are all assuming that the water would be drained to the lowest point of salvaging the contents


I would be more scared of leaving the carpet than trying to get it out. Especially if you can stick your fingers under the stand now. I would leave some water in it for help on the weight of the rock. If you had a way like the airbags to lift all 4 corner evenly and at the same time I think you will be fine.


having moved my 125 4 time in the military, I'm not quite so worried (idk, maybe i'm just stupid
). If you have burbur underneath, that means you probably already have +- 1/4-1/2" clearance beneath the stand, depending on padding. I'D:
1. Jimmy a piece of steel into an "L," kind of like a shorter over-the-door hook thingy
2. Clear out a space under each side of the stand
3. Slide said steel piece under the stand
4. Use a floor jack to lift the ends about 1/4" above the carpet
5. Clear out aforementioned carpet
Getting the steel out from under the stand when done will be tricky, but probably nothing you and a few buddies couldn't handle. You guys can probably hold up the tank for 1-2 seconds.
Eh... my 2 cents... but they're probably more like pesos, talking next to some of the guys on this board!!


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Where does it say that the OP was trying to move it with water???????????
You are correct, he has not said that he was going to try to move it with the water in the tank. We will have to wait and find out what scotty plans to do here. Other posters mentioned moving the tank, he asked about not having to break the rock.


Active Member
Don't you plan to replace all the carpet in that room? Do you really want a 2 foot by 6 foot strip of cement floor whenever you sell the house down the road? I'd really suggest tearing the thing down. It's not that bad.



Originally Posted by bdhutier
having moved my 125 4 time in the military, I'm not quite so worried (idk, maybe i'm just stupid
). If you have burbur underneath, that means you probably already have +- 1/4-1/2" clearance beneath the stand, depending on padding. I'D
1. Jimmy a piece of steel into an "L," kind of like a shorter over-the-door hook thingy
2. Clear out a space under each side of the stand
3. Slide said steel piece under the stand
4. Use a floor jack to lift the ends about 1/4" above the carpet
5. Clear out aforementioned carpet
Getting the steel out from under the stand when done will be tricky, but probably nothing you and a few buddies couldn't handle. You guys can probably hold up the tank for 1-2 seconds.
Eh... my 2 cents... but they're probably more like pesos, talking next to some of the guys on this board!!

This sounds like a descent idea. If you can get the tank up an inch or two, after it is drained, then you would be able to pull the carpet out.


I can not imagine moving any glass tank with any weight in it.
I have moved my 110 5 times in the past 7 years. It always had to be broken down completely even when I had to move it to one room in this house to get the floors refinished. I did not want that tank to be under any stress what so ever.
Even if the guys could lift it with the CC in the tank. I wouldn't let them. It just causes stress to the seams.


here is the sloution that has worked for me and a friend with his 300 gl we used steal rods the same diameter as the carpet height and slowly slid the tank on those with the help of a winch, it can be done but it takes forever and it needs to be done slow, it took us almost 16 hours to move the tank 8 feet to it new spot on his new carpet.


WOW This thread really took off... lots of good thoughts. All the info is very much appreciated. I think I am going to have to decide on the flooring first so the re-sale of the house isnt an issue. the company that ripped out the carpet suggested some kind of spray on flooring that is becoming popular, which would allow it to stay. This isnt going to be fun lol... maybe this is just a chance to rebuild the rock display.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
EXACTLY!!! You cannot move a tank full of water. A 10 gallon will break at the seams just from the force of the water sloshing. You will have to dismantle the tank.
You wouldn't believe how many times I moved my wife's 10 gal tank, full of water. Even carried it up and down some stairs and nothing happened to the tank. One time she wanted to move it from the LR to the BR and me and my friend, each grabbed a side and carried it. She's had this same tank for about 10 years. It got moved across town while it was 1/2 full. I think stress on a glass tank is more severe in larger tanks.


New Member
Not rocket science..........
Of course it would make sense to first drain much of the water. Then work some thin wooden shims under the edges of the tank and then cut/pull away the carpet. The trick is to shim evenly all around the tank. You say you already have a gap so that's the perfect starting point. You can get shim material at Home depot or Lowes.


Active Member
what if you did the high-jack idea, but from the top of the stand (just under the tank) ?
this would lessen the center of gravity.
then again, all you need is a 1/4".....


Active Member
I like the shim idea myself. Maybe even some log splitting wedges. Need a few to do the jog and just tap a little on one move to the other etc.etc. Might work! Maybe even tree buddies and you one on each corner working in unison.