Removing CC question? will it kill fish?


:help: we got our tank used with some fish the bottom has a lot of cc in the bottom almost 3 inches want to take it down to an inch can i do this without killing the fish best wat to go about it? was going to scoop it out with a measuring cup good idea or bad?


Active Member
While you're at it, why not remove all the CC and switch to LS? Could you put the fish in a seperate tank while you're doing this? There's going to be some nasty stuff kicked up.


Active Member
Take out any rocks you have and put them in a bucket of salt water. Then once everything is out of the tank, take out your fish and put them in another. Put at least one rock in with your fish so that they can have a place to hide. Cover the fish with a towel or something so that they will be in the dark. This will reduce their stress while they are getting moved.
Now remove the CC until you have just enough left to cover the bottom of the tank. I would strongly recommend one inch depth max. Vaccum the remaining coral and if you want to, I would recommend doing at least a partial waterchange to remove a lot of the junk that gets stirred up. Put your rocks back in and fill your tank up with premixed oxygenated water. After the tank settles down and the water looks clear, then put your fish back in.
If you will try CC for awhile I think you will like it. It is not bad at all if you will do it right. Invest in a good cleanup crew which consists of snails, red/blue leg hermits and maybe some cleaner shrimp. Your CC will stay clean this way and you should be able to maintain excellent water quality without all of the nitrate problems that others who have had CC bottoms have had. The whole problem with CC is that people make it too deep which is what you've seen in your tank. If you have it only deep enough to cover the bottom, your water will be fine and it will stay clean.
Anyway I've harped on CC about 6 times in the past few days. If you want some more information on it, then look here:


I think I'm going to give that a try too. My CC is about 2.5" deep. Hopefully this will get my nitrates down.


thanks for the info sly will do have read your earlier posts thats why we decided to take the cc down to 1 inch to 1/2 inch


I had about a 2" CC bottom and wanted to change to LS. I was waiting for the holidays to change to LS and in the mean time I took out a coffee cup full of CC out about every 4th day. This did nothing to my water quality and made the final switch a bit easier.
What I did was move most of the CC to one side of the tank leaving behind a shallow CC substrate. I just lifted the rocks when i got to them. Once I moved most of the cc to one side it was much easier to take a cup full out each time.
Now I have LS in my tank an it has been running much better. I have started to see a decrease in nitrates already and it has only been 1 1/2 weeks. My tank has stayed stable with no problems or spikes in anything. Just lower nitrates. FINALLY!!!!!!!