Removing crushed coral tmrw


I think I will remove it since my snad penetrated through it Nature's Ocean samoa pink or white what do you guys use ? 10lbs for 7$ at lfs I plan on using 2-3 bags since I alread have some for my 30gallon tank the sand I remove should I clean it with fresh tap and take out cc particles in itmake it finer then send it to the bottom of my tank put new stuff on top:confused:
Tell me how to go about this.
Also if I remove the cc wont this affect buffing capacities cc has high ph


Active Member
John - Be really careful about switching substrates. Go slow, and if possible, I would find a temporary home for any fish you have in there - a qt or a vacation at the LFS tank. Your tank may spike, and it may be harmful.
You can adjust pH with a buffer, but wait on that until everything settles down.


Thanks i want to know of a sand that has buffering capabilities to buy will help keep stable ph ca since the cc I had suposudly did this but it was covered with land scappers fabric so little could penetrate it didnt do much I will keep a new poly filter in there to hopefully stop a spike and remove all water rock coral and fish before i mess up the bed then scoop it out.Got 10 -5gal buckets in basement plastic clean
Do i need ls if i have good lr