Removing crushed coral...


I bought my LS from another site, and it's kind of a combination of sand and crushed coral. The coral built up on top of the sand along the glass, and I could see waste building up under it, so I decided to remove the larger pieces of cc with a net, and let the finer sand drain out. Two questions:
-First, is this a good idea, or should I just leave it the way it is? The corner of the tank I did this to looks 100% better, and now has mostly sand with a few small pieces of coral.

-Second, when I took out some of the cc, the water obviously clouded up. Should I be worried about stirring up too much waste and nitrates and stuff to where its going to harm the fish?
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
It's fine to slowly scrape the cc out as it sifts to the top. The clouded water looks nasty but it will settle fairly quickly.


Well-Known Member
scoop out a little CC at a time, maybe in fourths of your tank... AFTER you scoop out as much as needed, do a water change. Simple.


OK, great. Yeah, I just figured I'd do 1/4 of the tank a day. What do you think, about a 10-30% water change after?