REmoving fish


I have four Yellow Tail Damsel I want to return to the lfs for credit. With 75 lbs of live rock and assorted corals, How on earth can you net these guys?
As soon as the net goes in the water, they all find crevices and corners to hid in. Is it hopeless or am I missing something simple?


large rubbermaid container with water from tank and put some of the LR in there and catch away... gives you another reason to re-arrange your rocks.... good luck... :)


I found out you have to take the rock out or you will never get them out. They can smash their bodies up into the smallest cracks in the rock. Another thing you can try is placing a net in the tank and leaving it there overnight so they get used to it. Try feeding the following day to bring them out and try grabbing them. It worked for about half of my damsels.


I used a giant transparent plastic bag and chased the damsels in there with sticks and tubing. I also used a flashlight at night to chase them out of narrow spaces. If that doesn't work, keep removing the top layer of rocks gradually. You're right though, the minute my green net touches the water, they are gone.