removing live rock


OK I have to get a fish out of my tank. Just picked him up two days ago and he is attacking everything in the tank, especially Nemo for some reason. I 'm afraid he's going to seriously hurt or kill him so I don't have the time to mess around with traps and other tricks to get him out. I want to remove the live rock and net him out first thing in the morning then take him back to the lfs. I've taken my live rock out before but I did a large water change at the same time and let the rock sit in the buckets of water that I had just removed. My question is, is it necessary for the rock to stay submersed in water to avoid die off or will they be ok for 5-10 minutes if I just place them in a bucket since I'm not ready to do another large water change.


Move it to one side of your tank, spook the fish away from the rocks and use an acrylic sheet to separate the fish from the rocks and he'll be a lot easier to catch.


Active Member
keep the rock under water. you'll have to remove it all, because the fish can find any nook and cranny to get into. just syphon the water from your tank into the buckets, then put all the water back into the tank
what type of fish?


Originally Posted by b bauer
odds it is a damsel?
Bad bet! It's a red filefish. Quite disappointed at the moment. I have been looking for one for like 6 months and finally my lfs found one and now I can't keep it. Not sure what his deal is they are supposed to be very timid but this one is after everyone. All my fish look like they got in a bad bar brawl and lost


Originally Posted by Calvertbill
Move it to one side of your tank, spook the fish away from the rocks and use an acrylic sheet to separate the fish from the rocks and he'll be a lot easier to catch.
Thanks for the response. I have too much rock to fit it in one side or this would work out great.


Originally Posted by b bauer
they make fish traps or you can build one your self
Yeah I know but I wanted him out right away before he hurt or killed anything. I went ahead and did a large water change draining the water into some buckets and placing the rock into them and then netted him. Lot of work but he had to go.