rena filstar filter


I have the XP3 on my 125 gallon freshwater cichlid tank. It's been running strong for 4 years and I've never had a problem, really nice canister filter. I wouldn't recommend using a canister fiilter for saltwater though. I heard and read a lot that canister's are nitrate factories for saltwater.


I also have an XP3 on a 55 w/ cichlids and XP2 on a 40 w/ cichlids going on 4 yrs on no problems but I wouldn't use one on a saltwater setup.


i have a fuge and i run a xp1 just for carbon and a filter pad to take particles out of my water works well on 75 gallon reef just need to keep it clean i change it out once a week


Active Member
Clean it often as with any canister and you OK. I ran an XP3 on my 135, till clown101 dropped it and broke it!!!!
I'll fix it and hook it back up eventually.


Active Member
I am not sure about the filstar but I have an Ehiem Pro II canister for my tank and it is hands down the best canister I have used, but my past experience has been with older models that didn't have media baskets.


I had 2 Xp3 on my 125 and they did a nice job. I did switch to a sump but I do like the filstar filters.