repairing leaks?


New Member
Does any one know how to go about repairing Alleaking tank? Istartad to fill A 100 gal. tank I bought used when it was almost full the corner began to seperate from the weight and started to leak.. :confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
This is NOT a good thing..I had a 125 that did the same thing,after trying to fix it three or four times I finally replaced the whole tank...There must be some structual failure that is causing this seperation.Is the upper retaining support broken,or missing???


New Member
IT looks like the silicone just seperatedfrom the glass in one corner only.the retainer ring was seperateing asthe glass pulled away Icaught it before disaster struck.Did you use marine sealant or regular silicone when you worked on yours? I hope it
is gonna be able to be repaired its a nice tank.any more info would be helpful thanks.

mr . salty

Active Member
Did you say the retainer ring is also seperating???? If so,THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM...The ring is supposed to be ONE PIECE,so the glass can NOT come apart..You should adresse this problem first.You see,this rim holds the glass together.Then the silicone holds the water in...Then look into resealing the entire seam.....Just use an AQUARIUM silicone for the seam.But all the old sealent will have to be removed first...Then clamp it till it is set.Then you will need to repair that upper rim before you refill the tank...This is what was the main problem with my tank(the rim was broken at the corner)So the weight of the water just kept splitting the seam.I tried to fix it two or three times before I just gave up,and replaced the whole tank...


New Member
so you think I should remove the front of the tank and reseal it completley even though the problem is in the corner of the tank?
Also the retainer rings on the tank are cut on a 45 degree angle at the corners my 75 is the same way I wonder if I should construct something with more reinforcement for the100?

mr . salty

Active Member
Just redo the leaky seam,and YES,you should do something to reenforse that rim.Maybe try gluing a sturdy piece of plastic around the corners(all four).This would prevent this from happening again...


You could also try ordering a new plastic rim from the tank manufacturer. Most of them have web sites or you LFS might be able to get you one. Each brand is different so make sure you get the right one.


If you want to do it right what you need to do is the following:
1) remove the top ring.
2) remove the pane of glass that is leaking(see below)
3) clean all silicone off all three sides one the pane and where it comes into contact with the tank. Use a razor blade.
4) Apply silcone to the tank where the pane of glass will be attatched.Do not put silcone on the tank and on the glass just silicone on one surface. You get less bubbles that way.
5) put glass pane back into place and secure with clamps.
6) put a bead of silicone along the 3 sides
7) replace/fix the reatainer ring.
8) If you tank doesn't have one you should install a center brace.
To remove the pane form the tank without breaking it you can use a piece of fishing line/thin metal guitar string etc.. and use that string like you would floss your teeth.
The bond will not be sufficent enough if you just reseal thethe inside, It will end up leaking again.
Use only silicone that is meant for fish tanks, or water holding tanks or is safe for food contact. But they sell the fish tank stuff at home depot for 2.50 for a small tube.
Or you could just buy new tank.


New Member
I followed Jedimaster's instructions and the new seal came out 98% clean of air bubbles. I am going to let this cure for 5-7 days and then make a new retainer ring for top and bottom. I was thinking of using pressure treated lumber, something like 1x4 to reinforce the tank, which is 6'x18"x18". I'll keep you posted on what happens