Replace bio balls with live rock?



I guess I bought what would be a trickle filter. Can I replace the bio balls with live rock? Since the incomming water is only running through that section the rock would not be immersed in the water. Bad idea? Any better ones? Thanks a bunch


Yes, you can do that. I did in my wet/dry filter. Only thing that I found is there begins to be an accumulation of crap under the rock. I think eventually you will have to suck it outta there.
Also note it makes a lot more noise once you do this. The water ran down the balls before. Now you have that gap that sounds like your in a urinal 24/7. Mine does not look like this anymore. I removed that blue tray. Put an piece of PVC on the bottom of each input that goes down to the water. I wrapped a filter sock around each PVC to catch crap. No noise!