I just did this last week in my 125. I bought 40 pounds of live sand and 250 pounds of play sand. I took my qt and emptied it out, layered the bottom with some of the cc from my dt, added some lr from my dt, refilled it with water from my dt and then moved all live stock to it so it was as much like home as possible, without the size of course. Then I removed my remaining lr and all water from my dt, removed all cc, added the two sands and mixed them up, added my water, took 2 nylon stockings and filled them with the very last of the cc to be removed from my tank so it had the most bacteria and put them in my wet/dry (at least it was the dirtiest lol). While I was at it, I went ahead and did my weekly water change. I filtered my tank until clear and tested parameters which were great and then reintroduced my livestock. For some reason they actually seem happier and look better. I can tell it in a short week the total difference in my tank. Parameters are much better (I couldn't get my nitrates down with the cc) and fish and corals are much brighter. I would HIGHLY recommend making the change!