replacing old tap water and adding ro water


im new to this hobby and i was using tap water for my tank and im getting all kinds of nasty algae and i was told that it was because of my water so my question is this do i have to start all over or can i just do weekly water changes thanks


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 505titan
im new to this hobby and i was using tap water for my tank and im getting all kinds of nasty algae and i was told that it was because of my water so my question is this do i have to start all over or can i just do weekly water changes thanks

Regular water changes. You must not "start all over" if you have critters. The tank will improve more and more as you add the good RO water, don't get in a hurry for anything in this hobby, time is your friend as long as there are no issues with ammonia.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 505titan
so the ro water will get rid of the cyano right or should i use active carbon to

Siphon out the cyano, and keep doing water changes...After you siphon, you can use a product called red slime remover, I don't think it should be used often, because it is a chemical fix, but in a case of bad tap water it will speed up the process and get your tank looking nice again.
Carbon is a water polisher, and it keeps toxins like what the corals shoot at each other neutralized. It won't help with cyano.


Active Member
I only suggest using red slime remover if there is a major problem. If its just spots here and there spihon out and continue with water changes. Also reduce the feeding and check overall flow in the tank. I increased my total tank turnover to 900gph and have no more algae problems, when it was 700gph it was a constant problem.
Also side note, red slime remover will limit your skimmers effectiveness. If its a take over of your tank by all means use it though.


Active Member
switching over to ro water is a good 1st step, but it may or may not help with the cyano. cyano is caused by excess nutrients and lack of flow. without knowing ur exact tank's info, its hard to gv u an exact solution. for example, if ur tank has too many fish and lack the proper equipments, no matter how much ro water u change, its not going to resolve the cyano problem.


o ok interesting i just build a refugium but i still need Chaeto and live sand
so i need
more power heads
live sand
ro water
ok guys thanks you all helped me a lot thanks. will the refugium help to right


Active Member
fuge will help with the excess nutrients. make sure the cheato gets plenty of flow and light. u dont need mud or sand in the fuge.


Originally Posted by nycbob
fuge will help with the excess nutrients. make sure the cheato gets plenty of flow and light. u dont need mud or sand in the fuge.
o ok what is the mud and sand used for? i have a 120w plant light its a big bulb will this work or is this to much watts and will it make more algae grow thank for all your info