replacing Power Compacr bulbs with T5 bulbs? Help Needed


Hello, I have an Aquatic life compact flourescent lighting unit on my saltwater aquarium, and I have recently purchased a Heteractis Magnifica Anemone, and am thinking it will need more lighting than what my light unit gives off. Right now there are two 36" AquaticLife 96 Watt 10000K Marine 700+ PowerCompact Bulb - Square Pin, and two 36" Aquaticlife 96 Watt 420/460 nm Dual Actinic Powercompac bulb - Square Pin in it. Is that enough lighting for the anemone if he is perched on a rock in the highest point of the tank?, or is it possible to get more powerfull T5 bulbs and replace the bulbs in there now with them? Please let me know what the best choice would be, and do they even make a 4 prong square T5 , or VHO bulb?









Your tank according to your profile is 150G' way will a pc light support that will need a metal halide, or a really really good T5 unit.....
What is the depth of your tank....
If you can not get better lighting.....I would take the anemone back


Well-Known Member
And no you can not just swap out bulbs, the ballasts that drive pc's are different than T5's.


Well-Known Member
It has been done but you need to match up the wattages. You'll have to swap out connectors to incorporate the T5's bulbs. Are the ballasts electronic or magnetic? A magnetic ballast will shorten the lifespan of a T5 bulb, and even if you are able to match up the wattage, re-wire and use the right connectors I believe you still will not end up with the proper output of a T5 bulb. For all of the work that would be involved I see no sense in trying to convert your old fixture into T5. You're better off getting a properly configured T5 retro kit or matching the bulbs up with a good electronic ballast.