Reply to Attention Newbies


New Member
Absolutely no disrespect to anyone.
I have been on this message board for about 20 hours over the last week and in my opinion have just been confused the more I read. I have also noticed that rarely anybody will say what products you need, the answer seems to be don’t trust the LFS. This forum is supposed to be for new hobbyists. My tank is up and running it took about a week and no one I talked to agreed on what to buy or what was needed for a tank setup.
This message board kind of reminds me of the computer certification websites. You want answers to get certified but they say get experience. They will sell you test questions but trading test information for free is unethical.


I know the feeling. It can be frustrating at times. However, you have to realize that not everyone is going to agree on things. What works for one may not work for another. The only thing you can do is keep reading and form your own opinion. For example. I asked a lighting question ... I chose to go with power compact lighting ... I decided that was a mistake and changed to VHO lighting. You see, sometimes you will make the right decision and sometimes you won't. The best way to learn is by experience, and trial and error. It is hard at times, and you may wanna quit, but I guarantee everyone on this board will say they have felt that way at one point or another, but everyone on this board will also say that this place has helped them out SOOOOO much. I am one of them. Just keep reading, and keep asking questions. Hell, ask the same question over and over, I do that to get tons of replies. Trust me, you won't be dissapointed! Good luck!


Active Member
Well, since I responded to one of your earlier posts...I apologize for being vague. Sorry.
Sometimes no response can mean nobody else knows either.
It's difficult sometimes to answer equipment related questions, because not everyone is familiar with what you have or what is locally available to you.
If you don't already have one, I recommend you invest in a good book on the subject. It may help to narrow it down for you.
Stick around and keep reading. It will start to make sense.


Active Member
Sorry you feel that way. Remember that this is a very um...involved....hobby and it takes a long time to learn the ropes. It IS frustrating at times to ask a question and not get a clear answer. I'd encourage you to stick with it, I was in your shoes a while ago and it is mostly through the help and opinions at this message board that I am as knowledgeable as I am now. When you are first trying to get an grasp on all the stuff you need to know, it is very easy to be overwhelmed. Yes, there are many different opinions here. However, you will have this same problem where ever you go. If you read more than one book on the topic, you'll find a lot of very contradicting info. If you stick around for a month or two you won't feel so frustrated any more, I promise. Just stay committed to learning as much as you can in that time.

barry cuda

I'm finding this board to be one of the most useful resources I've run across. Reading books is great (and very important, imho) but here I have a wealth of aquarists' personal experiences to draw on - different people have different takes on everything, and I really value getting those different takes so I can make better-informed decisions about what *I* want to do in my own tank. Plus, books can't answer specific questions like people here are happy to do. :)


Active Member
There are many good ways to form a good set up. No one way to do it. If you were expecting for someone to tell you exactly what to buy?? Well, there are as many good ways to set up a tank system as there are different people. Everyone has their own idea. Lesley

bang guy


Originally posted by learning
Absolutely no disrespect to anyone.

None Taken.
My normal response to the first piece of equipment is the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. This book does not have all of the answers and I don't even agree with everything written but it provides a wonderful baseline of information and a place for reference.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to agree with bang and the others. Even reading is confusing with all the options.
Just as un the computer industry, One of the great things about standard saltwater methods is there is so many standard methods to choose from. :D And there are no pat answers. At some point you just have to jump in and see what works for you.
Hope you enjoy the hobby and are very satisfied with your setup.


Active Member
There are almost as many different ways to run a successful tank as there are people running them...:D
I believe the key phrase..."Don't Trust the LFS"...refers to the newbie in that they should not take everything the LFS says or tries to sell them as "Gospel"
And that they should look for second and third (and forth) opinions to confirm, expand upon, or dispute with other options available that ONE source may not be aware of or experienced with...
When I started out I didn't listen to the LFS I listened to my "fish buddy"...He had a nice looking tank (compared to what?) so I listened to and followed his advice...
After checking out several 'other" tanks I discovered "other' ways to get the same (and better) results...Eventually I was able to come up with a combination of "ideas' that work for me...
And this "system' is constantly changing and growing as I learn and adapt "ideas" from others, such as on this board...
The moral is to NOT follow one way blindly (whoever, LFS or "one" opinion of a forum)...learn and develop your own system from the experience('s) of others...