(repost) Most peaceful tang?


Originally Posted by m0nk
As for this, at least you could narrow it down to an Acanthurus type. It's definitely not Ctenochaetus because of the mouth and tailfin shapes, and based on the head shape I'd say it's Acanthurus. Does it change colors at all? My initial thought was some sort of mimic tang, but if it doesn't change colors then it's probably not. It could also be related to the Monk tang, which tend to get rather large. How big is it now?
Oh, and it ALMOST looks like a Dussumieri, though the colors aren't as distinguished in the pics. The little diamond shaped "notch" by the tail, does that look white at all or has it ever looked white?

My husband says it's a Lavender Tang but I've never heard of one of those. She is grey, and if looked at closely those curvy stripes are orange, you have to look very closely. She's stays this color all of the time and only gets a little darker if p'off she is super peaceful and never acts aggresive towards anything in the tank, although in the last year she has become aggressive if anything is added to the tank, but the whole tank "gangs up" on any new members, have for years. I'm not good at guessing how many inches something is but she's definitely the largest in the tank or about equal to the hippo, I would bet the bank she's no mimic though


If you are looking for a scientfic or id in genral try fishbase.org.
It has I believe 40,000 plus fish fresh to salt ID's.
it is like the intenational encyclopedia of fish!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sydneywood
My husband says it's a Lavender Tang but I've never heard of one of those. She is grey, and if looked at closely those curvy stripes are orange, you have to look very closely. She's stays this color all of the time and only gets a little darker if p'off she is super peaceful and never acts aggresive towards anything in the tank, although in the last year she has become aggressive if anything is added to the tank, but the whole tank "gangs up" on any new members, have for years. I'm not good at guessing how many inches something is but she's definitely the largest in the tank or about equal to the hippo, I would bet the bank she's no mimic though
Hmm, it could be a lavender tang, definitely has a lot of the same features, but I'd look at more spots around the cheek area to be sure.