Requesting some info on some fish


Does anyone have experience with the following:
Cortez Angelfish
French Angelfish
Saddleback Butterflyfish (ch. ephippium)
Raccoon Butterflyfish
Auriga Butterflyfish
A school of Heniochus Bannerfish
Neon (cleaner) Goby
Engineer Goby (multiple)
Chalk Basslet
Freckled Hawkfish
Diana's Hogfish
Spanish Hogfish
Axilspot Hogfish (Bodianus axillaris)
Princess Parrotfish
Stars & Stripes Pufferfish
Splended Dottyback
Striped Squirlefish
Convict Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Tomini Tang
Hi-Hat (equetus acuminatus)
Two-Line Monocle Bream (scolopsis bilineatus)
Flying Gunard (dactyloptena orientalis)
Dusky Wrasse (Halichoeres Marginatus)
Thanks in advance for the help.


Originally Posted by HOBrien
Does anyone have experience with the following:
Cortez Angelfish
French Angelfish
Saddleback Butterflyfish (ch. ephippium)
Raccoon Butterflyfish
Auriga Butterflyfish
A school of Heniochus Bannerfish
Neon (cleaner) Goby
Engineer Goby (multiple)
Chalk Basslet
Freckled Hawkfish
Diana's Hogfish
Spanish Hogfish
Axilspot Hogfish (Bodianus axillaris)
Princess Parrotfish
Stars & Stripes Pufferfish
Splended Dottyback
Striped Squirlefish
Convict Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Tomini Tang
Hi-Hat (equetus acuminatus)
Two-Line Monocle Bream (scolopsis bilineatus)
Flying Gunard (dactyloptena orientalis)
Dusky Wrasse (Halichoeres Marginatus)
Thanks in advance for the help.

I have a stars and stripes puffer. Great fish...gets very BIG very FAST...went from 3" to probably 11" in less than a year. Eats a ton. Looks amazing and active when hungry. It feeds, then finds a spot and "chills". Great fish IMO if you have the right tank for it.


I will be getting a 96"x30"x31" tank and trying to figure out what I am going to stock it with. The for sures are female bird wrasse, christmas wrasse, vlamingi tang , emperor angel, black velvet angel, atlantic blue tang, everything else is open hence the question on those fish

saka bra

I have a French angelfish that i love. He is very hardy and very smart. He however, can get get grumpy at times. Is very fat and colorful. He is always active and curious of what is going on inside and outside of "his" tank.


Active Member
cortez and french angel are nice peaceful fish, the dottybacks are the the biggest pricks!
ive had 3 and took them all back to the store because they pounce on my other fish even when there twice he size of the dottyback.


Thank you for the info on the dottyback and angels. Do you have any pics of your cortez and french angels?


I have had my Auriga Butterflyfish for about a month now and really like him. He eats flake and pellets right along with my tangs. The only problem I have had is that he's nipping at my curly q anemone and has taken some of the tenticles off. He doesnt mess with the condy, just the curly q.
I did alot of research and decided on an Auriga and Raccoon because of their diet, and had my LFS order them for me, but the Auriga was the only one that came in and I told the LFS to forget the Raccoon because if I couldn't introduce them together then I didn't want it. Ever since I first saw a pic of an Auriga I have wanted one, and it's markings and coloring are even better in person, so I say definately get an Auriga if you can.

j0hn rambo

Stars and Stripes Puffers are great. I've had one for 3 years. Keep in mind though they are messy eaters, grow very large, and will produce a lot of waste. As long as you don't over-stock your tank you will enjoy having one of these guys. Can't really help you on how it will react to other fish though, as I have had mine alone for 3 years because he was taken back to a LFS because it eventually ate all the other fish at the Dr. Office it was displayed at. I think as long as you get fast semi-agressive fish you will be alright.


I love the engineer gobies. They are alot of fun. Make sure you have a deep enough sand bed and your rockwork is placed directly on the bottom glass. They are voracious diggers. They will make mountains from sand they bring out from under the rocks. So a sturdy rockscape is important. They are also social so I hear it is best to buy in pairs.


Active Member
Most of those fish are pretty popular and nothing really different applies to them. Here are the oddballs:
The angels are some of the larger angels avialable. Make sure you see adult versions as they get pretty ugly (more so the Cortez than the Koran). Those Butterflies are largely not reefsafe but are some of the hardy one. Porkfish are one of the most underrated fish in the hobby. They aren't particular bright (minded), but have great coloring IMHO and are peaceful, actually nothing of the fish you listed, minus the big angels are typical aggressive. They get larger 7" or so have have decent sized mouths. The Princess is a very active fish, similar to a Thalassoma wrasse in size and shape. They need to be fed algae on the regular. Squirrelfish are pretty cryptic, they like to keep to their cave most of the time. Get larger and have big mouths as well. The High Hat is a nocturnal fish in the wild, should stay pretty well hidden in a tank most of the time. Some adjust, but most of the time they don't ship very well at all. The Monocle Bream is an awesome fish and I've love to get another. They get 7" and have a meaty diet too. The flying gunard is a bottom dwelling fish that needs a ton of open sand room to crusie around.


Thanks for all that information Aqua.
So the tank demensions also changed from what I listed above. It will be 84"x36"x30". I have all of the ducks in a row for it and the final things for the builder to start building will be this week.


Also all the fish on the list are not going into the tank. I already have several of the fish that will be going from my 120long into it.
Here is what I have so far:
BiColor Angel Pair.
Vlamingi Tang
S&S Puffer
Christmas Wrasse
6-line wrasse
Lawnmower Blenny
Lyretail Anthias Trio (1male 2 female) will be in on tuesday.
Female Bird Wrasse
Gold Headed sleeper Goby
Royal Gramma
Ocellaris Clown.