Required Equipment to set up a 46 gallon bow front tank


New Member
Hey all:
I was wondering as a starter to see what kinds of equipment is used for my new tank i will soon purchase. I know all the basics, but was wondering more about lighting, the number of fish you can put and how the cycle works.


New Member
I've been looking at the Eheim 2234 external filter as well as the Jager 150W heater. Need recommendations for a protein skimmer, lighting, and powerheads (looking at top quality)


If you are going to go with that canister style filter, you'll have to clean it regularly. You could almost go better with a wet/dry for FOWLR. Not to say that it wouldn't work
Also, think about adding at least about another 600 GPH in powerheads to move the water around your tank. You'll get dead areas, which spells algae city.
I've got a yellow tang in my 72 bow. He is ok for now, but I heard of them getting very territorial as they grow. I wouldn't recommend anything smaller than mine for a yellow as they need to swim. I've got a bi-color dottyback that turned into MUGGSY the mafia hitman and he's only 3". He's already taken out two fish in a week, where he was calm before. Plus he was chasing my diamond goby too. The yellow tang can be a terrorist! I've heard that they shouldn't be in anything less than a 120 as they mature.


Active Member
Tangs would not work. They need a 6 ft tank. general rule is 1 inch of fish per 5 gal of water.
In a tank that size you could have 4 maybe 5-- 2 inch fish. dependng on your filteration
A good skimmer for that size tank your be an aqua remora. very easy to use.


ive got a 45 gall tall, and im using a stealth 55 watt heater, coralife 125 gal skimmer,marineland c220 canister,2 maxijet 400s with sureflow kits,and a coralife 196 watt pc,also i have 40lbs of ls, and 31# of live rock to get me started. i hope this helps i really like all my equipment and its easy to maintain....


more of types of what???
if you look at the archives you will find most of, if not all of the information you need to begin this very expensive very exciting hobby. heres a list of equiptment for beginners from the archives... any other questions like I said revert back to the archives.
Also, calm down if someone doesnt answer you right away sheesh. One thing you will need more than anything else in this hobby will be patience!