Res slime vs. brown algea



the difference is that brown algea is caused by poor water quality and grows very fast over a short period of time and should be avoided. The red/purple algea can onle survive if water is pefect. to get rid of them leave your lights on shorter, get hebivourious fish, or get some crabs, snalls, and dont feed as much. if you are growing red algea, i would keep it. its good for the tank! :p


New Member
Ok thanks, but what are the characteristics of the two and how do I get rid of the brown algea? By the way it is reD slime not reS slime! ;)


Sorry about the mixup! i was reading really fast. what i did to get rid of the brown algea was get 3 tangs. now my nitrate is high becuase i have no algea to consume the nitrate. But i've never really had any algea problems with my tangs around.


New Member
But what does each LOOK like? How do I know which one I have in my tank? I guess that should have been my first qustion


Well brown algea is like a brown "plant" that grow on the rocks. alot of time it will be slimy if you touch it. I have no clue about the red slime. Thats the best i could do.


Active Member
Alot of the Brown algea is caused by a buildup of Diatoms in the water column. Diatoms are introduced by your replacement water. Brown algea is also considered a normal part of a cycle of a new tank. Most tanks go through this before growing the greens or the coraline.(red, purple, green, lavander)If you use RO or even some distalled water you do not have as bad of a brown bloom. I think most people on here have had this in their tank during the cycle.