resorvoir + quarantine tank


I have a 29 gallon tank that I've been using as a resorvoir for my main aquarium. Every week or so, I would add in water, turn on filter, add salt, add buffer than let it go on for a week or so. Than when I do a water change, I would add thsoe water to the main tank and add new tap water to 29 gallon to repeat the same process.
now is this safe to do?
also, can I use this tank as quarantine tank as well ?
thank you so much for all the helps. ;)


what kind of tank do you have? FO, REEF, etc. Also i would be very leery of using staight tap water in mixing new water, even if you are aging it. You could have lots of bad things in your tap water. Heavy metals, phos, etc. You could just set up the smaller tank, let it cycle and use it as a QT tank. I wouldnt use it as a QT tank if you are constantly mixing new water in it, and intermittently running the filter. A little more info on your set up could help. I may have mis-understood.


Active Member
I agree with Mal you should be using r/o water. As far as the rest goes that should be fine.


I am under process of making my FO tank into a reef tank.
what if I add de-chlornizer into the water?
I don't buy fish very often so I was hoping that resorvoir and QT tank combination would go well.
thank you again for all the wonderful replies


Active Member
Tap water conditioner may nuetralize chlorine,chloramine and some heavey metals but there are other contaminants that will cause you grief down the road. With nitrates and phosphates accumulating the health of your fish can be jeopardized not to mention unsightly algae outbreaks.You can do it for awhile but it is easier to do it right from the start.


when you quarantine a new fish part of the goal is to make sure that fish doesnt have any parasites or bacterial diseases that could be given to your other fish by the new one. so when you are using it as a Q tank i wouldnt move any water from it to the main tank. also after you are done Qing a fish i would completely empty the tank and get rid of that water. good luck, hopefully you can get by without having to buy another little tank.