Responsable Fish Keeping


Active Member
How many of you consider yourself as Responsible Fish Keepers? I left the boards for a few months because I kept getting tired of answering the same questions over, and over.
Example: In the newbie forum. A member asks about problems with his Naso Tang's. 2 in a 55-gallon. Another member makes a snide remark about the tang police. Well in this case the tang police are correct. 2 Naso's in a 55???? What do you think the problem is????
Can everyone afford a big tank?? No. If you can't afford this hobby, than maybe you should consider one a little less expensive, and time consuming. The other option is to consider what you can keep, for a lifetime, and stock the tank appropriately. In my old 55 reef I kept a pair of false percs, still alive after 4 years, bengaii cardinal, six line wrasse, yellow goby, and a mandarin. All to this day alive and kicking.
Now lets get to diet, and feeding. What do you feed your fish? I feed as much a variety as possible. I also soak food, every other feeding in Zoe and Garlic Extract. For my aggressive I feed frozen fish, squid, shrimp, krill, silver sides, and clams. For my reef fish I feed Marine Cuisine, Mysis, Emerald Entree, and Vitamin Enriched Brine. Not to mention that I have a fuge with plenty of macros, copepods, and amphipods.
For those of you that think the tang police are wrong. I've kept tangs in tanks as small as a 55. I thought then that I was doing nothing wrong. After taking the same fish, and placing it into a 240, I realized what I had done to the fish. To put it plain and simple they where much happier. I have tried 3 tangs in a 240, and it ended with the death of 2 tangs. As many people that I have watched over the years it seems that they ended with the same results. It may work for a while, but eventually it will end with 1 tang. For those of you that have stated that you keep multiple tangs/angels in 1 tank, list how long you have done this, and how many you have lost before succeedeing. I want to know how many years that they have coexisted without problems. Mine lasted 2 years, before 1 decided he wanted to rule the tank.
Also when acclimating new fish to my 240, I have noticed that fish acclimate much faster in a bigger tank than they do in smaller tanks. Meaning they are out, about, and eating, at a much faster rate.
So, how many of you are a Responsible Fish Keeper???
Mods, If you feel this gets out of hand, or is inappropriate, feel free to delete this post. Just thought I'd try to get a point accross.


Well I can say that if I didnt find this website....I would have done things way differently than I currently have. I was thinking about getting a flame angel, yellow tang, and other fish not suitable for my 30g. However, after reading and reading I came to realize that it wouldnt be a good idea, and now have 2 percs and a firefish.
I consider myself responsible, and if people decide to do things there way despite what we try recommending, they will learn the hard way sometime down the road....its their choice.
Anyhow, we are all here to help and learn off one another. LFS will sell fish because they want money, and if a fish dies...they know you will come back. The only thing we can do is give our opinions, and try to make sense on what seems like the obvious on this board.


I personally take offense to this post. Yes of course you can have your own opinion but some things in your post were very incorrect and to be honest just pretty bitchy. I do agree with you on the tangs it should be known that they need alot of room. But not every one in this world can afford to keep a 240 gallon tank. Not everyone can afford to feed there fish 200 different types of food. lots of people work into it very slowly that dont have alot of money and arent rich asses like yourself. Im thrilled to death you can put so much money into your tank but dont discourage everybody else.


Also if you get sick of answering the questions over and over again
People need help and I support people asking the same question 10 times untill they get it right..

marlins #1

I just read this and I find this Post/Thread very appropiate.
It would have helped me alot if I had read this 1 week before.
My friend just bought 3 big yellow tangs and had them in a 50gal tank.
They all died like a week later.
He didn't even have any ALGAE, and had various other fish in there.
Its too expensive to not want to learn, and its a fishes life you are taking.
Now I know not to make a costly mistake and to keep my friends out of doing the same.
Any reason why clown fishes would die.
Other then that, I can't keep 2 Shrimpgoby's together, one seems to want to kill everyone when he see's the other one.
Thanks and keep on posting these topics Stacy.
You have got to Earn or you have got to Learn,
I also think that new people on here got to read and search around before they are quick to ask a question;
Reason being is that most questions have been asked 100 times before and answered twice as much.
I am new my self, so take it how you want it, but I give it how I am supposed to.


It's just a lack of knowledge or desire to get it.


New Member

Originally posted by nolson
But not every one in this world can afford to keep a 240 gallon tank.

Perhaps not everyone in this world should be keeping Tangs? Just because you don't have money doesn't mean that 3 Tangs will work in a 55. The Tangs will stress & die just a quickly for the rich as well as the middle class.
Feel free to be offended if it makes you happy but there's no reason to be.



Originally posted by TangPolice
Perhaps not everyone in this world should be keeping Tangs? Just because you don't have money doesn't mean that 3 Tangs will work in a 55. The Tangs will stress & die just a quickly for the rich as well as the middle class.
Feel free to be offended if it makes you happy but there's no reason to be.

:happyfish I keep a yellow tang in my 75 Gal. And in the last poll that was taken by the snails the Tang was very happy. No need to serach for food, two nice little playmates (clown, firefish). And many places to hide in the LR.


Active Member
I think you misunderstood the points of the post. One of which is stock according to what the tank is capable.
The foods that I listed are not expensive. If you cannot afford to buy the food, you can prepare your own for a lot less money. I think a good varied diet leads to Fat Healthy fish.
There are ways to save money in this hobby. The number 1 way, don't buy fish that you can't properly provide accommodations for. There have been several of the comments lately about " Not everyone can afford a 240 ". So let me get this straight. You can afford to buy $50-$100 fish, but you can't afford a tank larger than a 55??
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with 55-gallon tanks. One of my past favorites was my 55, started as an aggressive, and then became a reef. I slowly consolidated all my tanks into 2 240-gallon tanks. If it wasn't for maintenance reasons I'd still have the 55. It was a lot cheaper to run as a reef than my 240.
A 75 is not a bad sized tank. Heck when I started I had my yellow in an 80 gallon. I always thought he was happy, until I moved him to a 240. He became a totally different fish.
Now if anyone has been successful keeping multiple tangs together I'd like you to post info on your tank, how long they've been together, and any other info you feel relevant. I hear plenty of people on this board giving info to others about how easy this is to accomplish, so please share the secret. I would also like to ask the same to those of you keeping multiple angels. Everyone that I personally know that have tried, always ends up with the same results. It may work for a long time, maybe even years, but in the end it always resulted in 1 survivor.
The whole point of the boards is to share knowledge. There are those seeking knowledge, and those who are willing to help the best they can. So if your not willing to listen, then why ask the question? There are times that I ask when I'm not sure, and I take all the info available, and try to make an informed decision.


Active Member
I should also add that I think the your tank is appropriatly stocked, and with a nice selestion of fish as well.


I LOVE IT, this sight, the advice and ESPECIALLY the tang police... I have 1 yellow in a 90, if it weren't for this sight I would have bought a Dori and a sailfin... I HAD a 30 gal, when I went to 90 I though I had all the room in the world for fish but I logged on to this sight to LEARN, and learn I did!! Then with the learning I had to practice what I learned, otherwise there would be no point in wanting to learn to begin with. If 5 people in a row said that I didn't have enough light for my BTA I wouldn't keep it just to prove a point, I would consider their advice, research it further, and act accordingly. (Which is what I did, I GOT METAL HALIDES :cheer:) I certainly wouldn't act offended, THEY ARE DOING WHAT I CAME TO THIS SIGHT FOR!!!!



Originally posted by StacyT
I should also add that I think the your tank is appropriatly stocked, and with a nice selestion of fish as well.

I just have the one tang I would not keep two tangs of any kind in the same tank. Please understand I do not take things too seriously.

barry cuda

The other thing that needs to be mentioned in this thread is that, sad as it is, any hobby will provide you with more options the more money you can throw at it. I know that runs counter to the egalitarian instinct many of us have, but it's true. Not just for fishkeeping, but for (among others) model airplanes, biking, cars, sewing, crafting, computers, or anything else.
And before anyone gets upset at me for pointing this out, let me just mention that my checking account balance is about $7 at the moment. This hobby encompasses working parents, high school students, retirees, and just about any other demographic you can mention. Some people are always going to have more disposable income than others, and those people will be able to afford larger or fancier tanks if that's what they want.
As I posted yesterday in another thread, there are SO MANY different ways to get satisfaction from an aquarium without having a large tank. Those who wish they could afford a bigger tank might wish to spend more time in the nano can do some pretty cool things in a very small tank.


New Member
i would like to say that i have learned so much just by reading all the questions and answers on the board. i came to this board to learn as much as i could about salt water fishing keeping. i have had questions, but most of the time before i even ask them i read and there's the answer already there. anyone can have a fish tank. but if you want to have healthy fish and do the right thing for this hobby you need to find out all the information you can. i started with fresh water fish several years ago. always want saltwater, but did not know that much about it and couldn't afford it then. i have a 75 gal tank and that is as big as i will ever go. i did not have the room for a bigger tank or the money, but i enjoy mine just as much as anyone who has 240 gal. i think i take care of my fish just as i do my dogs, that i love very much. any hobby can be expense as you want to make it. i'm glad we have tang police and people who are willing to give their advise. that's how we all learn is by reading, listening and doing. thanks everyone.:jumping:


I agree.. but some people like me always gets different answers and just want to know the right thing so they dont kill or harm fish that they payed $50 for.


Well I certainly wish I had found this site before setting up my tank. It would have saved me, corals, snails, crabs, fish, etc a lot of headache and death.
One thing is for sure. I researched and got so confused before finding SWF that I caused myself a ton of problems.
Have the admins considered taking 007's 101 post and creating a 101 forum. Maybe that would help the new people find the post easier.


Active Member
I agree. The first three things I learned from this site

research, patience and research with patience. It will be a lot better for your fish and wallet.

marlins #1

What is the TANG POLICE, is it just a member on here.
MORE RESPONSIBLE than anyone on here are the people that see you these Tangs, they should ask you and at least recommend that you do not buy it, but they are so money hungry that they don't have any heart left.
I mean they should sell it to you anyways if you want it, but at least tell you, you have to much fish in your tank, or your tank is too small, or feed it this..These store owners I tell you..
My friend had 3 tangs in a 55 gal, they all died in less than a week.
Years ago I had 2 in my small 25 gallon tank, I gave they very large one to my friend with a 100 gallon tank, my small one died in like a week, his large tang died.
Its not all about the money, but I'd rather give them away then kill them.
I didn't know that they we're algae eaters, and it was too late.
This site is very helpfull but more the people on here.
Thanks and keep it up, make the blind see..


I think most of the people who come here are responsible, the mere fact that they seek answers is demonstration of this. Admittedly, some people come here with more ignorance than knowledge, and even the most experienced reef keepers make mistakes, but just because you are a newbie with basic questions does not mean your are irresponsible. Maybe I haven't been here long enough to get burned out on the newbie questions yet, but this board has helped me out so much, I am glad to answer questions I have already had to answer myself. However, I do think that this board could be greatly helped by having a more prominently placed search button and having more stickies. That way when a basic question gets asked for the billionth time, veteran members could merely say "welcome and check out this post"
Unlike most in this thread I am anti Tang Police and I think they do more harm than good. Before any of you get too defensive, I'm not talking about people who merely point out that Tangs should not be kept in small tanks, I think this is good and necessary advice. However, those of you who seem to think it is your duty to screen and approve every person that wants to keep a tang, harrassing people who don't heed your advice will not make them change their mind. People who come here with closed minds looking for confirmation that they can keep that tang in their 30G will only be emboldened to do so by your attacks. People who come here with open minds looking for facts, will be turned off by your extremely strong opinion and have to keep researching.