rest? or pain

ok every morning i wake up pretty early, my fish just swims on the sand in the same spot is he still resting or is he hurting? its happened every morning, and also he wakes up with a bunch of sand on him how do i get that off?


Active Member
A lot of fish, especially clownfish, will sleep lying on the sand. Some, like certain wrasses, actually bury themselves in the sand to sleep.
Before I got my anemone, my tomato clown would dig out a hole in the sand to use as a bed each night, and lay in it.
Don't worry. If it springs back up, and eventually starts swimming normally, it is probably just sleeping. It will knock the sand off of itself by swimming.


Active Member
I don't imagine it's too good, as they are stirring it up and digging deep. Not much you can do about it though, except to get an anemone (if it's a clownfish). Of course without the proper setup for one, I wouldn't recommend that.
yes its a clown fish i have 2 but im also new at this hobby and was told that clowns are very haridy and the hardier the better so i got 2, but my lfs stopped me fro mgetting an anemone b/c they are for advanced users


if you really want an anemone go for a bubble tip and make sure you have sufficient lights. I'm a beginner but I've kept a BTA alive for the past 3 months and it still looks good.
I do recommend you try to get an anemone that is tank raised though as these have higher survival rates and because there is a lot of controversy over taking anemones from the ocean as they can live for hundreds of years in the wild whereas their survival rates in home aquariums are quite dismal.


Active Member
My clowns sleep in the Xenia's :). They also dig in the sand on occasion, always in the same spot. IMO the best thing to do is leave the hole open so they do not dig it again. As we all know, the less disturbance in the sand bed the better.
lol actually my lfs sucks..they never ask questions it was jsut that one guy and i never see him there anymore since i boguht my first fish:rolleyes: he was a very informative person


Active Member
:D Sorry but IMO they have some cons that you should know about before buying.
Clowns do seem to host corals well. :)


What types of corals would you recommend for moderate lighting and that may host a clown?
Thanks in advance!


Sorry for not fully reading through my search. I see this question has been asked and answered already.


Active Member

Originally posted by AustinGirl
What types of corals would you recommend for moderate lighting and that may host a clown?

Clowns will host a verity of corals...