Restack to get rid of flatworms.


Active Member
I am ready to restack my rocks and have flatworms. Can I mix up a batch of the flatworm exit/dip my rocks and then restack the rocks? I do not want to add the exit directly to the tank.
The down side, I may not get them all...
Anyone have thoughts on this?


Active Member
They are going to be in the display no matter what if you don't treat the display. Freshwater dipping your rocks might knock down some of the population but that's all. They might return just as strong.
There are flatworm eating critters, but depends on how compatible they are with your current fish.
I have used flatworm exit in the DT. It didn't bother anything. The fish can still see! I think if you were to dip your rocks first, siphon any visible on your substrate, and then (last) treat the tank will probably take a few treatments, then you might take care of the problem.


Flatworm exit works great, just have some fresh carbon to run right after. 6 line & 4 line wrasses eat them, I prefer the 4 lines, they are much more aggresive hunters.


Active Member
Thanks. I am pretty paranoid about adding any kind of chemicals to the water. I have a 6line but his belly is pretty full all the time. Just trying to think outside the box.

Thanks for the suggestion.