restarting my tank


Active Member
What are you going to do with your clowns?? and how are you going to keep triggers in a 50 gallons? You would only be able to have maybe two. They are large messy fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have a niger and a
humu humu. But please. Either sell your tank and set up a 90 or larger if you buy them as "babies" 3 inches and under Or just go out and buy a 125 or larger now and you should be fine for life with certain triggers. 55 and or 60 is enough for a trigger and maybe 1 or 2 other fish for a short period of time but far from life


Originally Posted by pete159
what do you mean your brothers kid found your hammer?
what exactly happened

The hammer slippedout of his hands cause they were playing baseball with a hammer I guess


Nevermind about going agressive
It was a spurre of the moment
I would love to go reef but some body please give some input on the lights

Thanks in advance