restless anemone


Active Member
i got an anemone a few months ago, i think it's a condy/haitian, and i picked the perfect spot for him, so i thought. he stayed in that same spot for several months, under the care of my two gold striped maroons, and then out of the blue while i was out with the guys one night last week my girlfriend called to tell me that he was mobile. over a period of about 4 days, he managed to slowly move behind my rockwork, so i rearranged the rocks and moved him back into a place where i wanted him again, and he stayed there for about a day. this morning i came up to check and he was working his way behind the rocks again. can anyone explain this, or provide any suggestions/solutions? thanks. greg


Active Member
oh i forgot to mention that he looks fine, tentacles are very full and plenty of coloring, and he's like a tar pit when you touch him, very "clingy". i feed him a couple krill once or twice a week, plus live brine, squid, and whatever else the clowns toss into him. i lost a pseudochromi a while back and a damsel that i didn't want in there anyway. i even witnessed my female gsm grab a baby hippo by the tail and toss him in. so anyways... he's gotten a lot bigger since i purchased him and seemed to be doing good but now all of the sudden he wants to hide. dunno. water parameters are normal, amm=0, ph=8.2, trites=0, trates are between 0 and 5 ppm. i've got about 370 Watts pumping into the tank, 55g, coming out of my power compact lights.


Active Member
i don't think lack of lighting is the problem. he's been under what i have since i got him and seems to be thriving. it's just been within the past week that he wants to hide. i haven't changed anything in my system either.


Active Member
Everyone goes through phases, maybe he's just starting to get comfortable enough with his surroundings that he would now like to see what the back side of his new home looks like.


Active Member
yeah i dunno. it just makes me mad cause there's nothing i can do to stop him from moving around. i'll have to take a pic and post it on here when i get home tonight.


New Member
A healthy anemone that tries to hide and get away from the light, may be ready to divide. Just watch that it doesn't get sucked up in the filter.